Archive 19/01/2023.

Yet another vector benchmark


Urho3D::Vector vs Urho3D::PODVector vs std::vector

Result: Lower values are better.

Some conclusions:

  • Debug version of std::vector is very slow, but release version is fast (perhabs some bounds checks)
  • Urho3D::Vector the slowest (release version)
  • It seems std::vector have some optimizations for POD types, but Urho3D::PODVector is faster
  • Mingw is faster than Visual Studio
  • 64 bit is faster than 32 bit

Interesting that std::vector::iterator is slower than operator[] . I thought they were equivalent (naively).

Nvm was looking at debug. It is only slower for std::vector<int> in release test for MinGW 32-bit (with a flipped speed relationship in VStudio…).


I must point out issues with this benchmarking (which may or may not substantially affect the result, I don’t know):

  • In Push tests you may be measuring performance of memory allocator (which is probably not what you want)

  • I don’t 100% trust hand-made benchmarking systems. Benchmarking libraries exist out there for a reason. Sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn’t :man_shrugging:

  • Resulting numbers are not really helpful without error margin. I have significant fluctuations (5-10%) between runs when I run these benchmarks locally. Which means that vector_result.txt is meaningless (or even harmful/misleading) on its own.

Having said that, I have run your benchmarks locally and I think these conclusions are correct.


In any case, the difference between implementations is minimal, so we can replace Vector and PODVector with std::vector.


GCC/Clang on linux/macos + older msvc version tests would be good. msvc only recently made debug performance of containers not stupid.

This would make rbfx maintenance easier so regardless, please do it :slight_smile:


More importantly, this would make integration with many 3rd party libraries (for geometry processing, for example) much easier, and allow the use of the STL algorithms, and make a lot of the Stack Overflow answers applicable with the vectors without changing all of the function names. I am in favor of the change.


I am also in favor (fwiw). I have been using the STL in my own project as much as possible already :D.


If anyone is interested in it actually happening, I’ve started work on switching over to std::vector on this branch. There seem to be some issues with the AngelScript bindings at present, and I’m not sure when I’ll get to them as this is a lower-priority project for me.

For this, I’ve opted to change the other container’s method names to also match the standard library (so they use size() instead of Size() , for example).


Is it possible to include eastl to the test?


Added (txts with results in root of repo)