Less than two weeks ago i started working on yet another Urho3D editor. It is not usable just yet, but it probably is in good-enough shape to be showed off, so here it is.
- Uses imgui for UI
- Scene hierarchy widget
- Attribute inspector widget supporting 99% of Urho3D variant types
- Material resource editor
- Mask widget (for light masks etc)
- Resource path browser widget
- Drag&drop for (some) resources
- Scene settings (renderpath, postprocess)
- Open multiple scene tabs
- Save/Open existing scenes
- Save/Open projects (project includes widget layout, opened scenes, various settings)
- HDPI support
Missing but planned features:
- Create/delete objects
- Undo/redo
- Objects for representing invisible scene nodes (like lights and cameras)
- Icons for components
- Save scene as a new resource
- Create new materials from scratch and save them
- Resource browser with previews
- Drag&Drop with previews
- UI layout editing in a new dedicated tab
- Many more i cant think of right now
Code at:
If you wish to test it - be sure to use
cmake parameter.