Archive 19/01/2023.

Xamarin Forms - UrhoSharp - Images don’t show up on iOS from Assets Folder


Hey guys ,

I created a XF and Urho sharp application .

I added the “Data” folder in Android->Assets , iOS ->Resources

It works well in android and the models load in iOS , however the images don’t load in iOS.


The image is located in the Data folder . It works in android but for iOS - i get a black plane

Any idea how to fix it ?

  • The image is set as BundleResource in the iOS project

In IOS every texture needs to have a power of two resolution, like 256/256 or 512/512.

Check if that is the issue.

Additionally check that your using the latest UrhoSharp version, a lot of exceptions are thrown now that weren’t before.

Like missing resources, shader compilation errors among other things.


Sometimes the issue was caused by the filename, ‘image.png’ and ‘image.PNG’ are different files on iOS device.