I’m probably not the only one that can’t stand the way things resize in windowed mode (on Windows at least).
This snippet attaches an SDL callback for window-resizing so the window will continue to paint while being resized, it’s usually behind a by a short bit but it’s much better than watching a giant black square expand.
Specific snippet for D3D11Graphics.cpp (applies to wherever each target starts the window):
static int ResizingEventWatcher(void* data, SDL_Event* event)
if (event->type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT &&
event->window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) {
SDL_Window* win = SDL_GetWindowFromID(event->window.windowID);
if (win == (SDL_Window*)data)
Context* ctx = (Context*)SDL_GetWindowData(win, "CONTEXT");
auto graphics = ctx->GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
auto renderer = ctx->GetSubsystem<Renderer>();
if (renderer && graphics->IsInitialized())
// or break the frame down as desired if running won't cut it
// beware of glorious rawPtr crashes from unexpected state, ie. Time system not running, etc
// resized event still happens, just after this happens a whole bunch
return 0;
bool Graphics::OpenWindow(int width, int height, bool resizable, bool borderless)
if (!externalWindow_)
unsigned flags = 0;
if (resizable)
if (borderless)
window_ = SDL_CreateWindow(windowTitle_.CString(), position_.x_, position_.y_, width, height, flags);
window_ = SDL_CreateWindowFrom(externalWindow_, 0);
if (!window_)
URHO3D_LOGERRORF("Could not create window, root cause: '%s'", SDL_GetError());
return false;
// < NEW CODE > ============================================
SDL_SetWindowData(window_, "CONTEXT", GetContext());
SDL_AddEventWatch(ResizingEventWatcher, window_);
// < END NEW CODE > ========================================
SDL_GetWindowPosition(window_, &position_.x_, &position_.y_);
return true;
Likely Windows specific unless other OS’ have similar issues with sizing seizing.