Archive 19/01/2023.

Windows window: render while resizing


I’m probably not the only one that can’t stand the way things resize in windowed mode (on Windows at least).

This snippet attaches an SDL callback for window-resizing so the window will continue to paint while being resized, it’s usually behind a by a short bit but it’s much better than watching a giant black square expand.

Specific snippet for D3D11Graphics.cpp (applies to wherever each target starts the window):

static int ResizingEventWatcher(void* data, SDL_Event* event)
    if (event->type == SDL_WINDOWEVENT &&
        event->window.event == SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED) {
        SDL_Window* win = SDL_GetWindowFromID(event->window.windowID);
        if (win == (SDL_Window*)data) 
            Context* ctx = (Context*)SDL_GetWindowData(win, "CONTEXT");
            auto graphics = ctx->GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
            auto renderer = ctx->GetSubsystem<Renderer>();
            if (renderer && graphics->IsInitialized())
                // or break the frame down as desired if running won't cut it
                // beware of glorious rawPtr crashes from unexpected state, ie. Time system not running, etc
                // resized event still happens, just after this happens a whole bunch
    return 0;

bool Graphics::OpenWindow(int width, int height, bool resizable, bool borderless)
    if (!externalWindow_)
        unsigned flags = 0;
        if (resizable)
            flags |= SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE;
        if (borderless)
            flags |= SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS;

        window_ = SDL_CreateWindow(windowTitle_.CString(), position_.x_, position_.y_, width, height, flags);
        window_ = SDL_CreateWindowFrom(externalWindow_, 0);

    if (!window_)
        URHO3D_LOGERRORF("Could not create window, root cause: '%s'", SDL_GetError());
        return false;

// < NEW CODE > ============================================

    SDL_SetWindowData(window_, "CONTEXT", GetContext());
    SDL_AddEventWatch(ResizingEventWatcher, window_);

// < END NEW CODE > ========================================

    SDL_GetWindowPosition(window_, &position_.x_, &position_.y_);


    return true;

Likely Windows specific unless other OS’ have similar issues with sizing seizing.


Could be related to this issue.

The OP of the issue didn’t respond to the last comment and so the issue was closed. I think your solution might help in his case as well.

If it is generic enough then we welcome you submit it as PR.