Archive 19/01/2023.

Why E_PHYSICSBEGINCONTACT2D event is not trigger for rigidBody?


Below is Not working
SubscribeToEvent( mainRigidBody , E_PHYSICSBEGINCONTACT2D, URHO3D_HANDLER(Urho2DConstraints, HandleBallContactStart));

But this is working:
SubscribeToEvent( mainPhysicslWorld , E_PHYSICSBEGINCONTACT2D, URHO3D_HANDLER(Urho2DConstraints, HandleBallContactStart));


Why E_PHYSICSBEGINCONTACT2D event is not trigger for rigidBody?

Because E_PHYSICS* events are send from the physics world by design.
Nodes send E_NODE* events.


Thanks, and it is work now :slight_smile: