Archive 19/01/2023.

Wher rendering to offscreen alpha is always full opaque


I do something like this

            for(int i = 0; i < renderPath->GetNumCommands(); ++i){
                RenderPathCommand *command = renderPath->GetCommand(i);
                if(command->type_ == CMD_CLEAR) {
                    command->clearColor_ = Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
                for(int outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < command->GetNumOutputs(); ++outputIndex){
                    if(command->GetOutputName(outputIndex) == "viewport" || command->GetOutputName(outputIndex) == "") {
                        command->SetOutputName(outputIndex, mViewportTexture->GetName());
                static_assert(TU_DIFFUSE == 0, "diffuse is not first texture");
                for(TextureUnit inputIndex = TU_DIFFUSE; inputIndex < MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; inputIndex = (TextureUnit)((int)inputIndex+1)){
                    if(command->GetTextureName(inputIndex) == "viewport") {
                        command->SetTextureName(inputIndex, mViewportTexture->GetName());

to draw everything to mViewportTexture which is created like this


this is my final RenderPathCommand which takes the special viewport texture and sends to the viewport which already has the camera background.

            command = RenderPathCommand();
            command.tag_                        = "InterestingCommand";
            command.enabled_                    = true;
            command.textureNames_[TU_DIFFUSE]   = mViewportTexture->GetName();
            command.type_                       = CMD_QUAD;
            command.pixelShaderDefines_         = "DIFFMAP";
            command.vertexShaderDefines_        = "DIFFMAP";
            command.vertexShaderName_           = "InterestingPass";
            command.pixelShaderName_            = "InterestingPass";
            command.SetOutputName(0, "viewport");
            command.shaderParameters_["InterestingParam"]      = 3.0f;
            command.blendMode_ = BLEND_PREMULALPHA;

The problem the background is all black. My issue is that in mViewportTexture alpha is 1.0 (fully opaque) everywhere. I did specify GL_RGBA. I have a background texture that is updated based on camera and want to apply a shader that only applies on the final rendered scene and not the background texture. Checking for black pixels in the shader is no good because then everything has a black bolder as it alpha blends into the background. Is there something I’m missing?

Thank you.


This will need to be checked. It can be a render (blend) state oversight that prevents the alpha being written to properly.

            // redirect all viewport to this special buffer
            for(int i = 0; i < renderPath->GetNumCommands(); ++i){
                RenderPathCommand *command = renderPath->GetCommand(i);
                if(command->type_ == CMD_CLEAR) {
                    command->clearColor_ = Color(0, 0, 0, 0);
                    command->clearFlags_ |= CLEAR_COLOR | CLEAR_DEPTH;
                    command->useFogColor_ = false;
                } else {
                    command->blendMode_ = BLEND_PREMULALPHA;
                for(int outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < command->GetNumOutputs(); ++outputIndex){
                    if(command->GetOutputName(outputIndex) == "viewport" || command->GetOutputName(outputIndex) == "") {
                        command->SetOutputName(outputIndex, mViewportTexture->GetName());
                static_assert(TU_DIFFUSE == 0, "diffuse is not first texture");
                for(TextureUnit inputIndex = TU_DIFFUSE; inputIndex < MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS; inputIndex = (TextureUnit)((int)inputIndex+1)){
                    if(command->GetTextureName(inputIndex) == "viewport") {
                        command->SetTextureName(inputIndex, mViewportTexture->GetName());

notice the fog color is disabled. I browsed the code and noticed the fog color was used instead of my specified clearcolor. And fog color was black. I don’t think I have specified any fog. Doing above worked.

Here is code in Urho3D

            case CMD_CLEAR:

                    Color clearColor = command.clearColor_;
                    if (command.useFogColor_)
                        clearColor = actualView->farClipZone_->GetFogColor();

                    graphics_->Clear(command.clearFlags_, clearColor, command.clearDepth_, command.clearStencil_);

Where are you getting your renderpath from? Almost all of the preprovided ones in Urho clear to the fog color, so if you’re using & modifying those it’s indeed necessary to set useFogColor_ false manually.


I’m getting all the renderpaths from the default and just modifying them. Everything is good with Urho3D. Post above was me just showing my process on how I found how to fix my problem.

Thank you.