Archive 19/01/2023.

What is the different between Kenematic vs Static RigidBody2D



I’m having difficulty to understand the logic kinematics and static rigid body2d, did anyone have any simple explanation ?


Static rigid body isn’t allowed to move, Kinematic body is.


Hi Eugene,

Normally I use static RigidBody by using setPosition for moving in PhysicalWorld, How do I use Kenematic body to move?

Do you have some snippet code of it? or you have any Video guide about this ?


Well, I doubt there is a lot of video guides for Urho… :frowning:

Kinematic body is moved the same way.
The difference is that kinematic body is allowed to be moved at all. It is guaranteed that such body would properly interact with dynamic environment.
The static rigid body is not allowed to be moved and behavior is not defined. AFAIK, it’s ok to reposition (aka teleport) static stuff.