Archive 19/01/2023.

Visualize the Software Rasterized zBuffer


Is there any way to visualize / debug draw the software rasterized zbuffer?



Currently no. I used to have an internal hack for it. Probably would be best if it could copy the contents to a texture for debug rendering e.g. in the UI.


I’ve made some minor modifications to the master branch that allow public access to the occlusion. Rendering it can be done for example with a UI element (note that script bindings are unfortunately out of question due to the needed access to internal classes and raw arrays):

    /// Depth debug texture
    SharedPtr<Texture2D> occlusionTex_;
    /// Depth debug borderimage
    SharedPtr<BorderImage> occlusionElement_;

    // Setup:
    occlusionTex_ = new Texture2D(context_);
    occlusionElement_ = GetSubsystem<UI>()->GetRoot()->CreateChild<BorderImage>();

    // Per-frame update:
    OcclusionBuffer* buffer = GetSubsystem<Renderer>()->GetViewport(0)->GetView()->GetOcclusionBuffer();
    if (buffer)
        unsigned w = buffer->GetWidth();
        unsigned h = buffer->GetHeight();
        if (w != occlusionTex_->GetWidth() || h != occlusionTex_->GetHeight())
            occlusionTex_->SetNumLevels(1); // No mipmaps
            occlusionTex_->SetSize(w, h, Graphics::GetFloat32Format(), TEXTURE_DYNAMIC);
            occlusionElement_->SetSize(w, h);
        int* depthInts = buffer->GetBuffer();
        float* depthFloats = new float[w * h];
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < w * h; ++i)
            // Depth data is 24bit ints. Convert to float
            depthFloats[i] = depthInts[i] / (float)OCCLUSION_Z_SCALE;
        occlusionTex_->SetData(0, 0, 0, w, h, depthFloats);
        delete[] depthFloats;

Thanks for the very quick response