Archive 19/01/2023.

View Inverse Matrix


On this thread , I have reconstruct view space position using linear depth.
The problem is I want to transform view space position back to world space but I couldn’t get/find View Inverse matrix on Urho. How to get that one on Urho?

Thanks in advance.


Nevermind, I just found it. On C++ code:

Matrix4 viewInverseMatrix = Matrix4() * MainCamera->GetView(); // GetView() returns Matrix3x4, so on default it cannot do transpose viewInverseMatrix = viewInverseMatrix.Transpose().Inverse();
I’ve tested on my shader and it works. So, viewMatrix is transpose of Camera->GetView() and viewInverseMatrix is transpose inverse of Camera->GetView().
I’m not math expert but why we need to transpose to get real view matrix? :question: