Archive 19/01/2023.

Vehicle Skid Strips


1vank had asked about how I did it, hence, this.


SkidModel code, based on urho3d 1.4 (still, but will be migrating to 1.5 shortly :slight_smile: )

#define MAX_SKID_STRIPS         120
#define VERTS_PER_STRIP         4
#define INDECES_PER_STRIP       6
#define STRIP_NORMAL_OFFSET     0.005f
#define MIN_STRIP_LEN           0.4f
#define MIN_LASTPOS_CNT         4

struct SkidStrip
    SkidStrip() : vertsArrayValid(false), lastPosCnt(0), valid(false){}

    Vector3     pos;
    Vector3     normal;

    Vector3     v[2];

    bool        vertsArrayValid;
    int         lastPosCnt;
    bool        valid;

struct GeomData
    Vector3     pos;
    Vector3     normal;
    unsigned    color;
    Vector2     uv;

class SkidModel : public StaticModel

    static void RegisterObject(Context* context);

    SkidModel(Context *context) : StaticModel(context)
        m_StripCount = 0;
        m_fWidth = 1.0f;
    virtual ~SkidModel()
        m_pParentNode = NULL;

    // world pos methods
    virtual void OnWorldBoundingBoxUpdate();
    void SetParentNode(Node *pParentNode);
    void UpdateWorldPos();

    // validation and set methods
    bool CreateVBuffer(const Color &color, float width);
    bool ValidateBufferElements() const;
    void SetWidth(float width)          
        m_fWidth = width; 
        m_fHalfWidth = width * 0.5f;
    void SetColor(const Color &color)   
        m_Color = color; 
        m_unsignedColor = color.ToUInt();

    // skid strip
    void AddStrip(const Vector3 &pos, const Vector3 &normal);
    void ClearStrip();
    bool InSkidState() const;

    const PODVector<GeomData>& GetGeomVector() 
        return m_vSkidGeom;

    void DebugRender(DebugRenderer *dbgRender, const Color &color);

    void CopyToBuffer();

    WeakPtr<Node> m_pParentNode;

    // strip
    PODVector<GeomData>         m_vSkidGeom;
    PODVector<unsigned short>   m_vSkidIndex;

    int         m_StripCount;
    SkidStrip   m_firstStripPoint;
    Color       m_Color;
    unsigned    m_unsignedColor;
    float       m_fWidth;
    float       m_fHalfWidth;

void SkidModel::RegisterObject(Context* context)

void SkidModel::OnWorldBoundingBoxUpdate()
    if ( m_pParentNode )
        worldBoundingBox_ = boundingBox_.Transformed(m_pParentNode->GetWorldTransform());

void SkidModel::SetParentNode(Node *pParentNode)
    m_pParentNode = pParentNode;

void SkidModel::UpdateWorldPos()

// **not used. instead, just use a model with (MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL | MASK_COLOR | MASK_TEXCOORD1) elements
bool SkidModel::CreateVBuffer(const Color &color, float width)
    return false;

bool SkidModel::ValidateBufferElements() const
    Geometry *pGeometry = GetModel()->GetGeometry(0,0);
    VertexBuffer *pVbuffer = pGeometry->GetVertexBuffer(0);
    const unsigned uElementMask = pVbuffer->GetElementMask();
    const unsigned uRequiredMask = MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL | MASK_COLOR | MASK_TEXCOORD1;
    unsigned zeroMask = ( uElementMask & ~uRequiredMask );
    return ( uElementMask & uRequiredMask ) == uRequiredMask && zeroMask == 0;

void SkidModel::AddStrip(const Vector3 &cpos, const Vector3 &normal)
    Vector3 pos = cpos + normal * STRIP_NORMAL_OFFSET; // lift the position away from the ground by NORMAL_OFFSET

    // the 1st entry of the strip
    if ( !m_firstStripPoint.valid )
        m_firstStripPoint.pos    = pos;
        m_firstStripPoint.normal = normal;
        m_firstStripPoint.valid  = true;
        m_firstStripPoint.lastPosCnt = MIN_LASTPOS_CNT;
        // calculate direction and right vectors to the previous position
        Vector3 dir = ( m_firstStripPoint.pos - pos );
        m_firstStripPoint.lastPosCnt = MIN_LASTPOS_CNT;

        // avoid creating tiny strips
        if ( dir.Length() < MIN_STRIP_LEN )

        Vector3 right = normal.CrossProduct(dir).Normalized();

        GeomData geomData[ VERTS_PER_STRIP ];

        geomData[0].pos = pos - right * m_fHalfWidth;
        geomData[1].pos = pos + right * m_fHalfWidth;
        geomData[2].pos = m_firstStripPoint.pos - right * m_fHalfWidth;
        geomData[3].pos = m_firstStripPoint.pos + right * m_fHalfWidth;

        // copy the last vert positions if present (don't exist on the very first strip)
        if ( m_firstStripPoint.vertsArrayValid )
            geomData[2].pos = m_firstStripPoint.v[0];
            geomData[3].pos = m_firstStripPoint.v[1];

        geomData[0].normal = normal;
        geomData[1].normal = normal;
        geomData[2].normal = m_firstStripPoint.normal;
        geomData[3].normal = m_firstStripPoint.normal;

        geomData[0].color = m_unsignedColor;
        geomData[1].color = m_unsignedColor;
        geomData[2].color = m_unsignedColor;
        geomData[3].color = m_unsignedColor;

        geomData[0].uv = Vector2(0,0);
        geomData[1].uv = Vector2(1,0);
        geomData[2].uv = Vector2(0,1);
        geomData[3].uv = Vector2(1,1);

        // 4 verts, 2 tris, vertex draw order - clockwise dir
        unsigned short triIdx[6] = { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 };

        // update the first strip (previous) data
        m_firstStripPoint.pos    = pos;
        m_firstStripPoint.normal = normal;
        m_firstStripPoint.vertsArrayValid = true;
        m_firstStripPoint.v[0] = geomData[0].pos;
        m_firstStripPoint.v[1] = geomData[1].pos;

        // shift vbuff elements to the right by 4
        if ( m_vSkidGeom.Size() < VERTS_PER_STRIP * MAX_SKID_STRIPS )
            m_vSkidGeom.Resize(m_vSkidGeom.Size() + VERTS_PER_STRIP);
        for ( int i = (int)m_vSkidGeom.Size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
            if ( i - VERTS_PER_STRIP >= 0 )
                // shift
                memcpy( &m_vSkidGeom[i], &m_vSkidGeom[i - VERTS_PER_STRIP], sizeof(GeomData) );

                GeomData &geData = m_vSkidGeom[i];

                // fade alpha by a small bit every shift
                // Color::ToUInt() = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
                unsigned r = m_vSkidGeom[i].color & 0xff;
                unsigned g = (m_vSkidGeom[i].color >>  8) & 0xff;
                unsigned b = (m_vSkidGeom[i].color >> 16) & 0xff;
                unsigned a = (m_vSkidGeom[i].color >> 24);
                float fr = (float)r/255.0f;
                float fg = (float)g/255.0f;
                float fb = (float)b/255.0f;
                float fa = (float)a/255.0f;
                fa *= 0.9995f;

                m_vSkidGeom[i].color = Color( fr, fg, fb, fa ).ToUInt();

        memcpy( &m_vSkidGeom[0], geomData, sizeof(geomData) );

        // shift indexbuff to the right by 6
        if ( m_vSkidIndex.Size() < INDECES_PER_STRIP * MAX_SKID_STRIPS )
            m_vSkidIndex.Resize(m_vSkidIndex.Size() + INDECES_PER_STRIP);
        for ( int i = (int)m_vSkidIndex.Size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
            if ( i - INDECES_PER_STRIP >= 0 )
                // need to add +4 offset(for newly added verts) to indeces being shifted
                m_vSkidIndex[i] = m_vSkidIndex[i - INDECES_PER_STRIP] + VERTS_PER_STRIP;

        memcpy( &m_vSkidIndex[0], triIdx, sizeof(triIdx) );

        // copy to vertex/index buffers
        #ifndef DBG_SKID_STRIPS

void SkidModel::CopyToBuffer()
    Geometry *pGeometry = GetModel()->GetGeometry(0,0);
    VertexBuffer *pVbuffer = pGeometry->GetVertexBuffer(0);
    IndexBuffer *pIbuffer = pGeometry->GetIndexBuffer();
    const unsigned uElementMask = pVbuffer->GetElementMask();

    // don't need shadow - will get disabled only once
    if ( pVbuffer->IsShadowed() )
    if ( pVbuffer->GetVertexCount() != m_vSkidGeom.Size() )
        pVbuffer->SetSize(m_vSkidGeom.Size(), uElementMask);
    if ( pIbuffer->GetIndexCount() != m_vSkidIndex.Size() )
        pIbuffer->SetSize(m_vSkidIndex.Size(), false);

    void *pVertexData = (void*)pVbuffer->Lock(0, pVbuffer->GetVertexCount());
    void *pIndexData = (void*)pIbuffer->Lock(0, pIbuffer->GetIndexCount());

    if ( pVertexData && pIndexData )
        memcpy( pVertexData, &m_vSkidGeom[0], sizeof(GeomData) * m_vSkidGeom.Size() );
        memcpy( pIndexData, &m_vSkidIndex[0], sizeof(unsigned short) * m_vSkidIndex.Size() );


        // update draw range
        pGeometry->SetDrawRange( TRIANGLE_LIST, 0, m_vSkidIndex.Size(), 0, m_vSkidGeom.Size() );

void SkidModel::ClearStrip()
    if ( --m_firstStripPoint.lastPosCnt <= 0 )
        m_firstStripPoint.valid = false;
        m_firstStripPoint.vertsArrayValid  = false;

bool SkidModel::InSkidState() const
    return m_firstStripPoint.valid;

void SkidModel::DebugRender(DebugRenderer *dbgRender, const Color &color)
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_vSkidGeom.Size(); i += VERTS_PER_STRIP )
        dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+0].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+1].pos, color );
        dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+0].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+2].pos, color );
        dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+1].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+2].pos, color );
        dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+1].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+3].pos, color );
        dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+2].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+3].pos, color );


  1. As you are aware, the vertex buffer typically contains local space positions and the positions are multiplied by parent node_'s transform, however, it’s the opposite for the skidModel. The vertex buffer contains world space positions and the parent node_'s transform is fixed at position(0,0,0) and identiy() matrix. To render in the scene, the class overrides virtual void OnWorldBoundingBoxUpdate() and passes m_pParentNode’s (vehicle’s) bounding box info.
  2. I used existing model with (MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL | MASK_COLOR | MASK_TEXCOORD1) elements because I’m too lazy to create a vbuff from scratch.

Rewrite 1 & 2 however you like.


That’s exactly what OG Tatt needs; thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:
After I get the cars to drive.


You’re welcome. I gotta admit that I looked at your tailgenerator class in Hexon to figure this out.


That’s CodeMonkey’s work , who probably got some of the inspiration from somewhere else. :slight_smile:
Unfortunately the TailGenerator component is suffering from drawing errors with the latest Urho3D. I’m expecting similar issues with the SkidStrip until the 1.5 migration.


That doesn’t sound good. I guess I’ll also have to deal with this issue once 1.6 comes out.


This does not work in 1.5 in d3d9 or gl. Looking into it…


Correction - it works fine in 1.5, just didn’t have all my assets copied to my new build folder.


You might like to know 1vanK fixed the TailGenerator some days ago.


I’m glad that’s fixed for you. I’ll probably download hexon again and check it out.


Re-coded the color fading. Change that portion to this:

#define SMALL_BIT               0.99f

                // fade alpha by a small bit every shift
                // Color::ToUInt() = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
                unsigned a = (m_vSkidGeom[i].color >> 24);
               a = ((unsigned)Clamp((int)( (float)a * SMALL_BIT ), 0, 255)) << 24;
                m_vSkidGeom[i].color = (m_vSkidGeom[i].color & 0x00ffffff) | a;