1vank had asked about how I did it, hence, this.
SkidModel code, based on urho3d 1.4 (still, but will be migrating to 1.5 shortly
#define MAX_SKID_STRIPS 120
#define STRIP_NORMAL_OFFSET 0.005f
#define MIN_STRIP_LEN 0.4f
struct SkidStrip
SkidStrip() : vertsArrayValid(false), lastPosCnt(0), valid(false){}
Vector3 pos;
Vector3 normal;
Vector3 v[2];
bool vertsArrayValid;
int lastPosCnt;
bool valid;
struct GeomData
Vector3 pos;
Vector3 normal;
unsigned color;
Vector2 uv;
class SkidModel : public StaticModel
static void RegisterObject(Context* context);
SkidModel(Context *context) : StaticModel(context)
m_StripCount = 0;
m_fWidth = 1.0f;
virtual ~SkidModel()
m_pParentNode = NULL;
// world pos methods
virtual void OnWorldBoundingBoxUpdate();
void SetParentNode(Node *pParentNode);
void UpdateWorldPos();
// validation and set methods
bool CreateVBuffer(const Color &color, float width);
bool ValidateBufferElements() const;
void SetWidth(float width)
m_fWidth = width;
m_fHalfWidth = width * 0.5f;
void SetColor(const Color &color)
m_Color = color;
m_unsignedColor = color.ToUInt();
// skid strip
void AddStrip(const Vector3 &pos, const Vector3 &normal);
void ClearStrip();
bool InSkidState() const;
const PODVector<GeomData>& GetGeomVector()
return m_vSkidGeom;
void DebugRender(DebugRenderer *dbgRender, const Color &color);
void CopyToBuffer();
WeakPtr<Node> m_pParentNode;
// strip
PODVector<GeomData> m_vSkidGeom;
PODVector<unsigned short> m_vSkidIndex;
int m_StripCount;
SkidStrip m_firstStripPoint;
Color m_Color;
unsigned m_unsignedColor;
float m_fWidth;
float m_fHalfWidth;
void SkidModel::RegisterObject(Context* context)
void SkidModel::OnWorldBoundingBoxUpdate()
if ( m_pParentNode )
worldBoundingBox_ = boundingBox_.Transformed(m_pParentNode->GetWorldTransform());
void SkidModel::SetParentNode(Node *pParentNode)
m_pParentNode = pParentNode;
void SkidModel::UpdateWorldPos()
// **not used. instead, just use a model with (MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL | MASK_COLOR | MASK_TEXCOORD1) elements
bool SkidModel::CreateVBuffer(const Color &color, float width)
return false;
bool SkidModel::ValidateBufferElements() const
Geometry *pGeometry = GetModel()->GetGeometry(0,0);
VertexBuffer *pVbuffer = pGeometry->GetVertexBuffer(0);
const unsigned uElementMask = pVbuffer->GetElementMask();
unsigned zeroMask = ( uElementMask & ~uRequiredMask );
return ( uElementMask & uRequiredMask ) == uRequiredMask && zeroMask == 0;
void SkidModel::AddStrip(const Vector3 &cpos, const Vector3 &normal)
Vector3 pos = cpos + normal * STRIP_NORMAL_OFFSET; // lift the position away from the ground by NORMAL_OFFSET
// the 1st entry of the strip
if ( !m_firstStripPoint.valid )
m_firstStripPoint.pos = pos;
m_firstStripPoint.normal = normal;
m_firstStripPoint.valid = true;
m_firstStripPoint.lastPosCnt = MIN_LASTPOS_CNT;
// calculate direction and right vectors to the previous position
Vector3 dir = ( m_firstStripPoint.pos - pos );
m_firstStripPoint.lastPosCnt = MIN_LASTPOS_CNT;
// avoid creating tiny strips
if ( dir.Length() < MIN_STRIP_LEN )
Vector3 right = normal.CrossProduct(dir).Normalized();
GeomData geomData[ VERTS_PER_STRIP ];
geomData[0].pos = pos - right * m_fHalfWidth;
geomData[1].pos = pos + right * m_fHalfWidth;
geomData[2].pos = m_firstStripPoint.pos - right * m_fHalfWidth;
geomData[3].pos = m_firstStripPoint.pos + right * m_fHalfWidth;
// copy the last vert positions if present (don't exist on the very first strip)
if ( m_firstStripPoint.vertsArrayValid )
geomData[2].pos = m_firstStripPoint.v[0];
geomData[3].pos = m_firstStripPoint.v[1];
geomData[0].normal = normal;
geomData[1].normal = normal;
geomData[2].normal = m_firstStripPoint.normal;
geomData[3].normal = m_firstStripPoint.normal;
geomData[0].color = m_unsignedColor;
geomData[1].color = m_unsignedColor;
geomData[2].color = m_unsignedColor;
geomData[3].color = m_unsignedColor;
geomData[0].uv = Vector2(0,0);
geomData[1].uv = Vector2(1,0);
geomData[2].uv = Vector2(0,1);
geomData[3].uv = Vector2(1,1);
// 4 verts, 2 tris, vertex draw order - clockwise dir
unsigned short triIdx[6] = { 0, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3 };
// update the first strip (previous) data
m_firstStripPoint.pos = pos;
m_firstStripPoint.normal = normal;
m_firstStripPoint.vertsArrayValid = true;
m_firstStripPoint.v[0] = geomData[0].pos;
m_firstStripPoint.v[1] = geomData[1].pos;
// shift vbuff elements to the right by 4
if ( m_vSkidGeom.Size() < VERTS_PER_STRIP * MAX_SKID_STRIPS )
m_vSkidGeom.Resize(m_vSkidGeom.Size() + VERTS_PER_STRIP);
for ( int i = (int)m_vSkidGeom.Size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if ( i - VERTS_PER_STRIP >= 0 )
// shift
memcpy( &m_vSkidGeom[i], &m_vSkidGeom[i - VERTS_PER_STRIP], sizeof(GeomData) );
GeomData &geData = m_vSkidGeom[i];
// fade alpha by a small bit every shift
// Color::ToUInt() = (a << 24) | (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r;
unsigned r = m_vSkidGeom[i].color & 0xff;
unsigned g = (m_vSkidGeom[i].color >> 8) & 0xff;
unsigned b = (m_vSkidGeom[i].color >> 16) & 0xff;
unsigned a = (m_vSkidGeom[i].color >> 24);
float fr = (float)r/255.0f;
float fg = (float)g/255.0f;
float fb = (float)b/255.0f;
float fa = (float)a/255.0f;
fa *= 0.9995f;
m_vSkidGeom[i].color = Color( fr, fg, fb, fa ).ToUInt();
memcpy( &m_vSkidGeom[0], geomData, sizeof(geomData) );
// shift indexbuff to the right by 6
if ( m_vSkidIndex.Size() < INDECES_PER_STRIP * MAX_SKID_STRIPS )
m_vSkidIndex.Resize(m_vSkidIndex.Size() + INDECES_PER_STRIP);
for ( int i = (int)m_vSkidIndex.Size() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
if ( i - INDECES_PER_STRIP >= 0 )
// need to add +4 offset(for newly added verts) to indeces being shifted
m_vSkidIndex[i] = m_vSkidIndex[i - INDECES_PER_STRIP] + VERTS_PER_STRIP;
memcpy( &m_vSkidIndex[0], triIdx, sizeof(triIdx) );
// copy to vertex/index buffers
void SkidModel::CopyToBuffer()
Geometry *pGeometry = GetModel()->GetGeometry(0,0);
VertexBuffer *pVbuffer = pGeometry->GetVertexBuffer(0);
IndexBuffer *pIbuffer = pGeometry->GetIndexBuffer();
const unsigned uElementMask = pVbuffer->GetElementMask();
// don't need shadow - will get disabled only once
if ( pVbuffer->IsShadowed() )
if ( pVbuffer->GetVertexCount() != m_vSkidGeom.Size() )
pVbuffer->SetSize(m_vSkidGeom.Size(), uElementMask);
if ( pIbuffer->GetIndexCount() != m_vSkidIndex.Size() )
pIbuffer->SetSize(m_vSkidIndex.Size(), false);
void *pVertexData = (void*)pVbuffer->Lock(0, pVbuffer->GetVertexCount());
void *pIndexData = (void*)pIbuffer->Lock(0, pIbuffer->GetIndexCount());
if ( pVertexData && pIndexData )
memcpy( pVertexData, &m_vSkidGeom[0], sizeof(GeomData) * m_vSkidGeom.Size() );
memcpy( pIndexData, &m_vSkidIndex[0], sizeof(unsigned short) * m_vSkidIndex.Size() );
// update draw range
pGeometry->SetDrawRange( TRIANGLE_LIST, 0, m_vSkidIndex.Size(), 0, m_vSkidGeom.Size() );
void SkidModel::ClearStrip()
if ( --m_firstStripPoint.lastPosCnt <= 0 )
m_firstStripPoint.valid = false;
m_firstStripPoint.vertsArrayValid = false;
bool SkidModel::InSkidState() const
return m_firstStripPoint.valid;
void SkidModel::DebugRender(DebugRenderer *dbgRender, const Color &color)
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < m_vSkidGeom.Size(); i += VERTS_PER_STRIP )
dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+0].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+1].pos, color );
dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+0].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+2].pos, color );
dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+1].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+2].pos, color );
dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+1].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+3].pos, color );
dbgRender->AddLine( m_vSkidGeom[i+2].pos, m_vSkidGeom[i+3].pos, color );
- As you are aware, the vertex buffer typically contains local space positions and the positions are multiplied by parent node_'s transform, however, it’s the opposite for the skidModel. The vertex buffer contains world space positions and the parent node_'s transform is fixed at position(0,0,0) and identiy() matrix. To render in the scene, the class overrides virtual void OnWorldBoundingBoxUpdate() and passes m_pParentNode’s (vehicle’s) bounding box info.
- I used existing model with (MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL | MASK_COLOR | MASK_TEXCOORD1) elements because I’m too lazy to create a vbuff from scratch.
Rewrite 1 & 2 however you like.