Archive 19/01/2023.

Urho3d website traffic


Here is 2 week traffic stats:

Click for large view - [color=#A7A7A7]Uploaded with Skitch [/color]

I wish I was capturing stats more permanently. 2 weeks is bunk.

I added us to wikipedia a couple weeks ago and as you can see it was well worth the time noodling around in there confounding markup language :slight_smile:

I am very happy with urho but I am greedy. I am greedy therefore that number needs to get bigger :slight_smile:

I thought I would just share these stats with everyone. You all are awesome <3 \m/


Ah yes, in the list of game engines. Thanks!


Currently we have some demos, code snippets, etc… but no big projects released under Urho3D. Also the fact that the code base is fairly new and rapidly evolving means that nobody has really recommended this engine and gotten the word around.

I have a feeling that once some titles using Urho3D are released, we’ll be seeing much more traffic.


I have some plans on doing a comprehensive video series but it is a large undertaking. I think such a resource would be immensely useful and popular. I would like more of the 2d features exposed in the editor before doing so. I have been trying to work on some things but keep on running into an obvious lack of skill :slight_smile:


I have been monitoring the stats since the website is up. Here is the summary of page views (green) / unique visits (blue) / returning visits (orange) since the new website is up till today. Keep in mind that Sept data is still incomplete.

To me, the smaller and higher spikes in the month of March and August this year seem to coincide with the news posting on the website. It is also good to see that we keep attracting first time visitors.

The 2 unique visitors from wikipedia could may be you and me :smiley: . I notice the entry in the wikipedia a few days ago while searching in Google using “Urho3D” as keyword and may have clicked the Urho3D link in the wikipedia while I was there.


The 2 unique visitors from wikipedia could may be you and me :smiley: . I notice the entry in the wikipedia a few days ago while searching in Google using “Urho3D” as keyword and may have clicked the Urho3D link in the wikipedia while I was there.[/quote]

That’s just for the mobile version of Wikipedia. The non mobile: 357/31

That is a good point about posts. We need a monthly screenshot roundup post. Before that can happen we need some sort of deep ancient magic to turn all us programmers into artists. Google should love us much more now that we aren’t breaking links and getting move penalties all of the time. Stable urls for the docs is a groovy thing.


r/gamedev on reddit has screenshot saturdays. It’s my favorite thing. It would be cool to see wip from users here with urho. Even seeing the same stuff every week or month is still great to follow the progress. And it inspires me to work harder.


Updated stats. We hit 400 stars on github a week ago. It has been much more fun around here since more people are using the engine. A year ago this time it was kind of boring. You are all awesome, thank you.


Im planning to release a “trailer” when I come back from my long vacations in the capital and my artists have had time to give me some good looking models. If that doesnt attracts more developers, I will drag them by the hair myself.
I was also planning some videotutorials, but then thought that the editor has to improve a bit the look (Godot navmesh visualization looks much better) and become more functional: terrain editor, an actual UI layout editor, etc.