Archive 19/01/2023.

Urho OpenGL Build on windows


So I’ve been making a program the last couple days using the UrhoPlayer and writing the code in angelscript. I wanted to test it on another machine (also a windows PC), and ran into an issue with d3dcompiler_47.dll . So I figured I would recompile the UrhoPlayer to use OpenGL (using -DURHO3D_OPENGL build option). It compiles fine, but when I use the sample scripts with the UrhoPlayer (which all work fine with the DX build) they are completely broken. They start, but the materials are orange/green gradients and the scene is barely constructed, and in odd ways (how depends on the sample, but none of them are created correctly/as expected)

Here is the physics sample, DX on the left (normal scene), OpenGL on the right (blank white screen with a gradient on a quad)

Not sure what’s going on with this.


Okay… nevermind.

I’m still not sure what was going on, but I was building Urho from source I pulled from github back in May (5/27 I think). I decided to start from scratch, and download the latest Urho zip file (1.4) and do an OpenGL build from that, and use the samples/assets included with it. And it works exactly as I’d expect, and works on both machines (my original goal).


I had the same problem when I used folders Data and CoreData from the old version Urho3D with new sources


If you look at the change history or the release notes for 1.4 then this is not surprising.

I remember seeing Lasse making a lot of changes to those shaders in the CoreData directory.