Archive 19/01/2023.

Updated “compiling”


I was using angelscript but, im interested to use the source now
i already tried to do all, reading wiki and seeing youtube videos, and in the cmake i just get compile error and “red” lines

I got CMAKe (3.8.1), Mingw64 (8.1.0), Urho3D 1.7 and Codeblocks (last) (mingw separated, cause i use mingw64 to others sources)

it would be nice for someone to do a new tutorial demonstrating, at least in a virtual machine, what progress to download and install dependencies for urho3d and compiling at the end, not just compiling

im using windows. thx for read guys


There are no dependencies to download. Everything is next to the engine source in the third party folder. All you need to do is to download mingw ( 32 / 64 ) and extract it to a folder. After that, add the bin folder to your Path environment variable so that CMake can find MinGW. Then simply use CMake to generate either a CodeBlocks project or a simple make script if you don’t need the IDE. And if you go with the later, all you need is to type mingw32-make into a terminal in the folder where you generated the build. And wait for it to compile. And that’s it.

Normally I’d also install Git and use the terminal from that. But whatever works for you.

Urho is one of the simplest engines to compile. You should’ve tried Ogre back in the days.


Oh, thx!
But idk why… my cmake cache was looking different from now
Maybe cause today i downgrade my mingw64 to 5.3.0-posix-seh and i get urho 1.32 (to 3d performance low n medium)? idk

Now was asking just for CMAKE_MINGW_MAKE and CMAKE_SH
Just realized that sh = bash and just install cygwin64 with bash
Put Urho3D_HOME in environment like in the wiki and cygwin64 in the PATH
and done…
the “CodeBlocks - MinGW Makefiles” runned smooth :thinking:
Just needed click configure 2 times and to put codeblocks.exe location before “generate” :man_shrugging:


@tomarlo4 i think that the conversation here is a tutorial by itself :upside_down_face: