Archive 19/01/2023.

Update Ray ray direction


So I have a method that is suppose to constantly cast a ray directly in front of my character to check if an enemy is within range. The trouble I have is the the raycast does not follow the characters rotation. I must disclose that I am trash with the physics part of the API. Some of the values below are just me testing my issue.

void EnergySword::MeleeLunge(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
	PhysicsWorld* physicsWorld_ = scene_->GetComponent<PhysicsWorld>();
	PhysicsRaycastResult result;

	Vector3 charPos = node_->GetWorldPosition();
	Quaternion rot = node_->GetWorldRotation();
	Quaternion dir = rot * Quaternion(45.0f, Vector3::FORWARD);
	Vector3 rayDir = dir * Vector3::FORWARD;
	Vector3 aimPoint = node_->GetWorldDirection() + rot * Vector3(0, 1.7f, 0);

	Ray ray(charPos, rayDir);
	physicsWorld_->RaycastSingle(result, ray, 8.0f, 1);
	if (result.body_)
		debug->AddLine(charPos, aimPoint, Color::CYAN, false);

Shouldn’t that be node_->GetWorldPosition() ?

Also, what are you trying to do with this Quaternion?


@SirNate0 Thanks for the reply. That 2nd line you quoted was probably me just trying to find the correct way to get the nodes forward facing.

I changed the aimPoint like you suggested. The only issue is the raycast only works when my character is facing a certain direction. If my character rotates any other direction. The debug line that represents the ray never renders.

	PhysicsWorld* physicsWorld_ = scene_->GetComponent<PhysicsWorld>();
	PhysicsRaycastResult result;

	Vector3 charPos = node_->GetWorldPosition();
	Quaternion rot = node_->GetWorldRotation();
	Vector3 aimPoint = node_->GetWorldPosition();

	Ray ray(charPos, aimPoint);
	physicsWorld_->RaycastSingle(result, ray, 8.0f, 1);
	if (result.body_)
		debug->AddLine(charPos, result.position_, Color::CYAN, false);

My bad. When I said you should change it to GetWorldPosition I meant just the GetWorldDirection call, not the entire right hand side. Additionally, Ray is constructed with a position and a direction, so if you want to call it with the aimPoint and not an aimDirection you need to subtract the starting position ( Ray ray(charPos, aimPoint-charPos); ).

Here’s what I’d recommend (note, I’ve not compiled this to test it):

	PhysicsWorld* physicsWorld_ = scene_->GetComponent<PhysicsWorld>();
	PhysicsRaycastResult result;

	Vector3 charPos = node_->GetWorldPosition();
	Vector3 aimDir = node_->GetWorldDirection();

	Ray ray(charPos, aimDir);
	physicsWorld_->RaycastSingle(result, ray, 8.0f, 1);
	if (result.body_)
		debug->AddLine(charPos, result.position_, Color::CYAN, false);
		debug->AddLine(charPos, charPos + 8.0f * aimDir, Color::RED, false);

@SirNate0 Thanks this seems to be working much better. The only issue is the ray is in the wrong direction. I believe this is because the node is the hand bone. So it’s rotation is awkward. Can I use a Quaternion to fix this?


So I’ve been away for awhile and this is the solution. The RayCast was not taking into count the characters direction. This is why the RayCast only worked in certain directions.

	Quaternion rot = player->GetWorldRotation();
	Vector3 charPos = player->GetWorldPosition() + Vector3(0, 1.0f, 0);
	Vector3 aimDir = player->GetWorldDirection() + rot * Vector3::FORWARD;