I’ve been using the native UI extensively recently, and I think it’s great (despite the ongoing debate to replace it with a third party lib
). However, there are some convenience functions that would be handy:
- Button::SetHoverColor(Color color) /Get
- Button::SetPressedColor(Color color) /Get
- Button::SetNormalColor(Color color) /Get
I have found that having to create separate images for the different button states, when all I need is a different color, adds quite a bit of work. And having these color properties wouldn’t change the existing flow.
Then some more data in the UIEvents:
- Add DX,DY to OnResized (i.e. DX, DY is the difference in pixels from the old size to the new size). This will help with responsive layouts, I think.
In general, I think Urho should come with some higher level UI classes. ListView and ScrollView are really great. Along with this, a good Toolbar class would be nice (I need to write this so I will try to contribute this myself). For example, I wrote a PopUp class that has been a huge time saver: github.com/danhambleton/UrhoPopUp