Townforge is a blockchain based game, where you building structures and try and outcompete other players. The core is an economic game, where creating buildings costs money and you try to get more income from those buildings than you spent in the first place.
The expenses and income from those buildings are recorded on the chain, and are thus made in “real” money which can be exchanged between players (and mined as a normal blockchain). There is a builtin chat, decentralized marketplace, and a player may specialize in various ways to make a living in the game.
There is a 3D world that goes with it, where players can optionally build freestyle models for their buildings, Minecraft style. The terrain is procedurally generated and practically infinite.
The game runs on Linux, Windows, and Mac.
Being based on a blockchain, this is an inherently multiplayer game, and it is currently in testnet (ie, beta) so any currency mined at the moment will be erased once the final mainnet starts. This makes it a great time to experiment to get acquainted with the game rules.
Here’s a video of building a Pegasus statue in game: https://youtu.be/6DcvsUn99_k
And a screenshot:
There’s a website at https://townforge.net . A manual and a FAQ are there, they’re good reads if you’re interested.