Archive 19/01/2023.

The Unity editor, Unity games and Steam are spyware


I recently ran into this Spyware Watchdog website which concludes that the Unity editor, many Unity games and Steam are in fact spyware .
You can read the articles for yourself:

Again I’m glad to have Urho at my disposal.

There’s also a list of articles about web browsers, btw.


Not really surprising since they moved to become a service and platform company instead of a product based one. Stock Unity is inferior to pretty much everything, though I applaud some of their permissively licensed work.

I am a bit puzzled how they manage to dodge GDPR on all of this though given that GDPR explicitly says defaults will be OFF . I suspect they don’t in a fashion not unlike how most US companies don’t bother to pay VAT on their EU dealings.


Good point. Maybe they just didn’t get to it yet. Or someone should tell some board dealing with these issues.


So… developers are expected to install a plug-in for Unity to be able to make their games GDPR-compliant? Which makes me assume many Unity game developers could technically be sued? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

As quoted from the Asset Store :