Archive 19/01/2023.

Struggling to implement tile collisions


Hi i’m new in programming stuff, i i’m struggling to check collision with an Spriter Animated Sprite and a tile. I tried messing with the bounding box from the AnimatedSprite2D and creating a custom from an tile node, but i don’t seen to understand it well, it don’t intersect. Do anyone

i’m following this article:

    void ResolveCollision(Node* tile) {
        BoundingBox actorBBox = animSprite->GetBoundingBox();

        std::cout << "tile " << tile->GetPosition().ToString().CString() << "\n;";
        std::cout << node_->GetPosition().ToString().CString() << "\n;";

        if (actorBBox.IsInside(tile->GetPosition()) != OUTSIDE)
            std::cout << "NOT FIRING" << "\n";

    void PosCollisions(float timeStep) {
        Vector2 position = node_->GetPosition2D() + Vector2(0, 0.5f);
        Vector2 predictedPos = position + (Vector2(velocity.x_, velocity.y_) * timeStep);

        Vector2 min = Vector2(Min(position.x_, predictedPos.x_), Min(position.y_, predictedPos.y_));
        Vector2 max = Vector2(Max(position.x_, predictedPos.x_), Max(position.y_, predictedPos.y_));

        int mapMinX = -1;
        int mapMinY = -1;
        map_->PositionToTileIndex(mapMinX, mapMinY, min);

        int mapMaxX = -1;
        int mapMaxY = -1;
        map_->PositionToTileIndex(mapMaxX, mapMaxY, max);

        for (int x = mapMinX; x <= mapMaxX; x++) {
            for (int y = mapMinY; y <= mapMaxY; y++) {
                Node* tile = map_->GetLayer(0)->GetTileNode(x, y);
                if (tile) {

Edit: Updated Code


Why not use the Physics2D components?


Box2D is a overkill for me… for that i would have to fight the engine to make the desirable behavior.

Also is there a way to setup a static bbox on the scml file?

Made something a bit simpler:
Point based

[code] void AdjustPosition(Vector2 pos, float timeStep) {
Vector2 tilePos = (node_->GetPosition2D() + pos + (Vector2(velocity.x_, velocity.y_) * timeStep));
Node* tile = GetTileNode(tilePos);
if (tile == NULL)
Vector3 dir = tile->GetPosition() - node_->GetPosition() + pos;

    //dir = GetGreaterAxis(dir); //Need to check if the tile axis is occluded

    if (dir.y_ < 0) {
        node_->SetPosition2D(Vector2(node_->GetPosition2D().x_, tile->GetPosition2D().y_ + 0.32f - 0.01f));
        velocity.y_ = 0;
    if (dir.x_ < 0) {
        //Tile size + half character width + 0.2
        node_->SetPosition2D(Vector2(tile->GetPosition2D().x_ + 0.64 - 0.2f, node_->GetPosition2D().y_));
        //velocity.x_ = 0;
    if (dir.x_ > 0) {
        node_->SetPosition2D(Vector2(tile->GetPosition2D().x_ - 0.1f, node_->GetPosition2D().y_));
        //velocity.x_ = 0;

void ResolveCollisions(float timeStep) {
    AdjustPosition(Vector2(0, 0), timeStep);
    AdjustPosition(Vector2(0.1, 0.2), timeStep);
    AdjustPosition(Vector2(0.1, 0.5), timeStep);
    AdjustPosition(Vector2(-0.1, 0.2), timeStep);
    AdjustPosition(Vector2(-0.1, 0.5), timeStep);
}  [/code]