It is fast and modular and easy to build complex effects. Its code is also quite flexible and scalable with its design to create your own extensions.
Personally I use it because it also works independently of the 3D engine (I’m using Urho and another engine for my stuffs and I need and independent library to get same effects works in both engine) but without this constraint, it is also a nice alternative to urho built-in particles to consider if you like to render cool effects, and by default it offers some additional nice features :
Independent Renderers per group (Quad and Point for now - what I added for urho - But I’d also like add a Marching Cube renderer to render fluid like, and also a mesh renderer to draw meshes instead of sprites)
Cool Modifiers :(Basic,Collider,Destroyer,EmitterAttacher,LinearForce,Obstacle,PointMass,RandomForce,Rotator,Vortex)
Particles collisions (particles vs environment and particles vs particles)
Differents built-in spatial Zones used by emitter and modifiers : Box, Cylinder, Plane, Point, Ring, Sphere.
Emitters : from Normals zone, Random, Spheric, static, Sraight
Different interpolators (basic, random, graph)
Particles can triggers actions.
The actual QuadRenderer (like urho billboard) for urho support differents options to orientate particles sprites :