hello, my questions seem to be in the sam scope of the original threads, so it seem a good idea for me to regroup tutorial idea in the same thread.
I woul like some tutorial for :
1?) make a cube not from importing a model mdl, but from draw geometry, i’ve see the drawgeometry class, mamybe a minimalistic sample can be cool for more complex idea
2?) Rorating a cube around another cube
3?) playing with coordonate x,y,z for helping ppl representing how the world is make
4?) a pick drag & drop a model, pick a model with you’'r mouse who follow you’r mouse a drop it in another place (in a fixed you + 20z per exemple)
Building a development platform :
5?) a noob tutorial for configuring a dev env independant of the platform from download the IDE to compile a hello World for windows / mac / linux if possible
6?) i see a tutorial for using angel script with AS, CodeLite seem to be a good IDE, how can we be able to build Urho3D from here ?
what is the prefered platform , windows, mac or linux ?
what is the most common an suffisiant environement, how i see it :
a?) build Uhro3D from source in the projet, full liberty but need cmake / VS to be able to compile and i don’t really see debugging how it is
b?)build Uhro3D from source in the OS to build a library (platform dependant, a project can’t be build in another os), full acces to C++ / Uhro3d feature
c?) use Uhro3dPLayer.exe with AS, most simple, can’t use c++, only what is exposed by in the AS API
b?) seem to be the most preferable if you don’t intend to hack into Uhro3D source, you juste need to be able to build from source / download last library to be up to date
a?) is too complex for me if i want to start in linux, i can build with cmake, dev with litecode / codeblock with a library
can cmake build a projet for litecode/codeblock like he do for VS ? or it’s too complicated ?
sorry for the long post.