Archive 19/01/2023.

[Solved] View3D UI Element and gizmo detection


i am currently porting some angelscript code to c++ and have a problem with the gizmo detection.

i am using the View3D UI Element to display my scene and this code :

[code] void GizmoScene3D::UseGizmo()
if (gizmo == NULL || !gizmo->IsEnabled() || epScene3D_->editMode == EDIT_SELECT)
// StoreGizmoEditActions();
// previousGizmoDrag = false;
UI* ui = GetSubsystem();

	IntVector2 pos = ui->GetCursorPosition();
	UIElement* e = ui->GetElementAt(pos);

	if (e != epScene3D_->activeView)
	Ray cameraRay = epScene3D_->camera_->GetScreenRay((float)pos.x_, (float)pos.y_);
	float scale = gizmoNode->GetScale().x_;

	Input* input = GetSubsystem<Input>();
	// Recalculate axes only when not left-dragging
	bool drag = input->GetMouseButtonDown(MOUSEB_LEFT);
	if (!drag)
	gizmoAxisX->Update(cameraRay, scale, drag, epScene3D_->cameraNode_->GetPosition());
	gizmoAxisY->Update(cameraRay, scale, drag, epScene3D_->cameraNode_->GetPosition());
	gizmoAxisZ->Update(cameraRay, scale, drag, epScene3D_->cameraNode_->GetPosition());


but the gizmo axis are not selected at all …

ok found the solution …

void GizmoScene3D::UseGizmo()
if (gizmo == NULL || !gizmo->IsEnabled() || epScene3D_->editMode == EDIT_SELECT)
// StoreGizmoEditActions();
// previousGizmoDrag = false;
UI* ui = GetSubsystem();

	IntVector2 pos = ui->GetCursorPosition();
	UIElement* e = ui->GetElementAt(pos);

	if (e != epScene3D_->activeView)

	const IntVector2& screenpos = epScene3D_->activeView->GetScreenPosition();
	float	posx = float(pos.x_ - screenpos.x_) / float(epScene3D_->activeView->GetWidth());
	float	posy = float(pos.y_ - screenpos.y_) / float(epScene3D_->activeView->GetHeight());

	Ray cameraRay = epScene3D_->camera_->GetScreenRay(posx, posy);
	float scale = gizmoNode->GetScale().x_;

	Input* input = GetSubsystem<Input>();
	// Recalculate axes only when not left-dragging
	bool drag = input->GetMouseButtonDown(MOUSEB_LEFT);
	if (!drag)

	gizmoAxisX->Update(cameraRay, scale, drag, epScene3D_->cameraNode_->GetPosition());
	gizmoAxisY->Update(cameraRay, scale, drag, epScene3D_->cameraNode_->GetPosition());
	gizmoAxisZ->Update(cameraRay, scale, drag, epScene3D_->cameraNode_->GetPosition());[/code]