Hi, everyone! I spend some days trying to build Urho3D engine for android, I use this instructions but can’t build engine
It seems guide from official site is deprecated, because
- android update project -p . -t // - this does not work! android.bat says it deprecated tool
- make -j <num_jobs>
- ant debug
[spoiler]C:\Android>android update project -p . -t 1
The “android” command is deprecated.
For manual SDK, AVD, and project management, please use Android Studio.
For command-line tools, use tools\bin\sdkmanager.bat
and tools\bin\avdmanager.bat
Invalid or unsupported command “update project -p . -t 1”
Supported commands are:
android list target
android list avd
android list device
android create avd
android move avd
android delete avd
android list sdk
android update sdk[/spoiler]
Also I installed latest tools for android development with Urho3D: android-ndk-r14b, gradle-3.5, apache-ant-1.9.9, and android command line tool with sdkmanager.
I set my enviroment variables ANDROID_NDK and ANDROID_SDK, also Path, according with this instructions:
, but it seems also deprecated.
Then I use command: cmake_android AndroidBuild -DURHO3D_SAMPLES=1, runs cmake, there is some warnings and messages like this:
-- Looking for malloc_usable_size - not found
and 2 fails:
-- Performing Test HAVE_PTHREAD_NP_H - Failed
Full cmake log in to of log in link below to pastebin (cant attach 2 link to post)
Finally, then I change directory to AndroidBuild, and run make, it starts normally building, but finally fails with compilation errors:
Why? How can I solve this problem?