Archive 19/01/2023.

[Solved] rotating node Physics: Overflow in AABB

0 0 0 // EulerAngle ToString
-1.#IND -1.#IND -1.#IND // EulerAngle ToString
[Sat Mar 29 17:52:24 2014] WARNING: Physics: Overflow in AABB, object removed from simulation
[Sat Mar 29 17:52:24 2014] WARNING: Physics: If you can reproduce this, please email
[Sat Mar 29 17:52:24 2014] WARNING: Physics: Please include above information, your Platform, version of OS.
[Sat Mar 29 17:52:24 2014] WARNING: Physics: Thanks.

I am setting the rotation of the node holding a rigid body and the rigid body blows up. It looks like a divided by zero think.

Quaternion q;
q.FromLookRotation(-moveDirection, Vector3(0,1,0));
rotation = rotation.Slerp(q, .3);
node.rotation = rotation;

Do i need to check for 0 when applying a rotation?


The FromLookRotation is the culprit. Vec3(0,0,-1) causes it to break. Its pretty easy to hardcode a check in there. Naive game programmer question: is it common to have to accommodate these case specifically per case?