Archive 19/01/2023.

[SOLVED] Node Script Object Issue


I have an application written entirely in script, in it you’ld have to shoot down some drone like objects. The Node for the Drone has a ScriptObject implementation named DroneObject created into it while that of the bullet has BulletObject created into it.
Below is the node collision handling routines of the BulletObject script object

	void HandleNodeCollision(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
		Node@ otherNode = eventData["OtherNode"].GetPtr();
		DroneObject@ droneObj = cast<DroneObject>(otherNode.scriptObject);		
		if(droneObj !is null)

Everything works well. But when I try to implement this same application in c++ I notice a strange issues.
Now just like the fully scripted application, the drone and the bullet nodes have their respective ScriptObject created into them. But the line below in the BulletObjects HandleNodeCollision

always returns a null pointer whether the node DroneObject script object or not. Even when I use another method to retrieve the script object, like

ScriptInstance@ sInst = cast<ScriptInstance>(otherNode.GetComponent("ScriptInstance"));
DroneObject@ droneObj = cast<DroneObject>(sInst.scriptObject);

i still get a null pointer. Every other thing works, but in the part were I have to retrieve a scriptObject from a node null is returned, no error is thrown and the application log shows no error either. What am I doing wrong or is it a bug coz its still the same ScriptObject files I use for both the fully scripted app and the C++ app


Is the HandleNodeCollesion function defined or included in the same ScriptFile as the DroneObject class?


No its not, It is defined in its own ScriptFile but includes the script file for the DroneObject class. Below is the file

#include "Scripts/"

///Bullet Object Class
class BulletObject : ScriptObject
	float termTime;
	float termTimeCounter;
		termTime = 1;
		termTimeCounter = 0;
	void Start()
		SubscribeToEvent(node, "NodeCollision", "HandleNodeCollision");
	void FixedUpdate(float timestep)
		termTimeCounter += timestep;
		if(termTimeCounter >= termTime)

	void HandleNodeCollision(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
		Node@ otherNode = eventData["OtherNode"].GetPtr();
		DroneObject@ droneObj = cast<DroneObject>(otherNode.scriptObject);
		if(droneObj !is null)
	void Destroy()

Now I get it, The ScriptObjects that will inter-relate have to be from the same scriptfile. I made the correction and now its working. Thanks Azalrion


Yep basically, because they were declared in what urho saw as two different script files and bound then into angelscript under different modules so couldn’t cast, either you have a master script file like NinjaSnowWars does importing everything into a single module or you can declare them shared: … hared.html