Archive 19/01/2023.

[SOLVED] DumpTextureCube (*.AS)


Hi, there!
I trying to save cube map into image *.png files.
for code example I use carnalis (void ProcSky::DumpTexCubeImages) also I look into Sinoid code for cubemap baking.
so, I have this code and it’s no working (

void ProcSkyPostRenderUpdate()
    if (input.keyPress[KEY_T] ) 
        DumpTextureCube(procSkyCubeTexture, "C:/Urho3D/bin/Data/Textures/");
    if (!procSkyRenderQueued) return;

void DumpTextureCube(TextureCube@ texCube, String filePath) 
    if (texCube is null) return;
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CUBEMAP_FACES; i++) 
        Texture2D@ faceTex = cast<Texture2D>(texCube.renderSurfaces[CubeMapFace(i)].parentTexture);
        if (faceTex !is null)
            MessageBox("OK - get Texture2D from cubemap face" + String(i));
            Image@ texImage = faceTex.GetImage();
            String path(filePath + String(i) + ".png");
            if (texImage !is null) 
            MessageBox("Failure get Texture2D from cubemap face" + String(i));

Every time then I pressing on T-key I got this message - “Failure get Texture2D from cubemap face” and no one time "Sucessed msg"
What i’m doing wrong ?


Hi codingmonkey,

May be texture component compatibility? I think for that reason I created a new Image.

void ProcSky::DumpTexCubeImages(TextureCube* texCube, const String& pathName) {
  URHO3D_LOGINFO("Save TextureCube: " + pathName + "[0-5].png");
  for (unsigned j = 0; j < MAX_CUBEMAP_FACES; ++j) {
    Texture2D* faceTex(static_cast<Texture2D*>(texCube->GetRenderSurface((CubeMapFace)j)->GetParentTexture()));

    SharedPtr<Image> faceImage(new Image(context_));
    faceImage->SetSize(faceTex->GetWidth(), faceTex->GetHeight(), faceTex->GetComponents());

    FileSystem* fs(GetSubsystem<FileSystem>());
    String filePath(pathName + String(j) + ".png");

    if (!texCube->GetData((CubeMapFace)j, 0, faceImage->GetData())) {
      URHO3D_LOGERROR("...failed GetData() for face " + filePath);
    } else {

Hi carnalis, thank for reply.
But, this of all you probably got a “good ptr to texture” on this lines:

Texture2D* faceTex(static_cast<Texture2D*>(texCube->GetRenderSurface((CubeMapFace)j)->GetParentTexture()));

and only then you create new image

SharedPtr faceImage(new Image(context_));

in my case I got always - faceTex = null
So, I think the - texCube.renderSurfaces[CubeMapFace(i)].parentTexture do not store within any valid data, or mb I’am doing something wrong.


TextureCube has 6 rendersurfaces, but their parentTexture isn’t a Texture2D per face, instead each of their parentTexture points to the same TextureCube instance.

In C++ you’d use TextureCube::GetData(). In AS there isn’t currently a way to get a face image from an existing TextureCube, since script cannot support the GetData function(). This should be fairly simple to add though, there’s already a “fake” function in the AS API to get an image from Texture2D.


There is now a TextureCube::GetImage() in the AngelScript API. … 63591d3084


Thanks! Now it’s working well

void DumpTextureCube(TextureCube@ texCube, String filePath) 
    if (texCube is null) return;
    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CUBEMAP_FACES; i++)
        Image@ texImage = texCube.GetImage(CubeMapFace(i));
        String path(filePath + String(i) + ".png");
        if (texImage !is null)
            MessageBox("OK - get Texture2D from cubemap face" + String(i));        