Hi, urhofans.
I have a rare problem. I don’t know why but I can’t subscribe to new events in my new class.
I have scene, logicomponent, Ui, Uicomponent, etc.
The new class is a simple LogicComponent, but when I add SubscribeToEvent, it crash.
[code]using namespace Urho3D;
class Prueba : public LogicComponent {
URHO3D_OBJECT(Prueba, LogicComponent)
Prueba(Context* context);
virtual ~Prueba();
void Function();
[code] #include “Prueba.h”
Prueba::Prueba(Context* context) : LogicComponent(context)
SubscribeToEvent(E_SCENEUPDATE, URHO3D_HANDLER(Prueba, Function));
void Prueba::Function()
I think is all right. Please, help me