Archive 19/01/2023.

[SOLVED] Diamond Method Displacement Problem



I’m working on the procedural terrain and trying to implement a different noise type. The problem I have is with the floats. It seems to work but oddly the color is cycling isntead of 0 to 1. I’m getting 0 to 1, 0 to 1, repeatedly. Basically destryoing the elevation.

Here is the code and a link to the results from it. … _algorithm

Current results picture.

[code]/// Cold to create noise through the Diamond method. Requires offset and better hash table to create random heightmaps but repeatable
bool Image::generateDiamondMethod1 (float * buffer,const int &width, const int &height, const float &maxYcoords,const float &minYcoords)
//an initial seed value for the corners of the data
float SEED = 0.0f;
unsigned int DATA_SIZE=width+1;
float diamond[DATA_SIZE][DATA_SIZE];

//initialise the values of the corners++
diamond[0][0] = SEED;
diamond[0][DATA_SIZE-1] = SEED;
diamond[DATA_SIZE-1][0] = SEED;
diamond[DATA_SIZE-1][DATA_SIZE-1] = SEED;

float h =100.0; 	//the range (-h -> h) for the average offset
srand(1);		//seed the random generator

//side length is the distance of a single square side
//or distance of diagonal in diamond
//each iteration we are looking at smaller squares and diamonds, we decrease the variation of the offset
for (int sideLength = DATA_SIZE-1; sideLength >= 2; sideLength /= 2, h /= 2.0)

    int halfSide = sideLength/2;

    //generate new square values
    for(int x=0; x<DATA_SIZE-1; x+=sideLength)
        for(int y=0; y<DATA_SIZE-1; y+=sideLength)

            //x,y is upper left corner of the square
            //calculate average of existing corners
            float avg = diamond[x][y] + 				//top left
                        diamond[x+sideLength][y]   +				//top right
                        diamond[x][y+sideLength]   + 				//lower left
                        diamond[x+sideLength][y+sideLength]; 	//lower right
            avg /= 4.0;

            //center is average plus random offset in the range (-h, h)
            float offset = (-h) + rand() * (h - (-h)) / RAND_MAX;
            diamond[x+halfSide][y+halfSide] = avg + offset;

        } //for y
    } // for x

    //Generate the diamond values
    //Since diamonds are staggered, we only move x by half side
    //NOTE: if the data shouldn't wrap the x < DATA_SIZE and y < DATA_SIZE
    for (int x=0; x<DATA_SIZE-1; x+=halfSide)
        for (int y=(x+halfSide)%sideLength; y<DATA_SIZE-1; y+=sideLength)

            //x,y is center of diamond
            //we must use mod and add DATA_SIZE for subtraction
            //so that we can wrap around the array to find the corners

            float avg =
                diamond[(x-halfSide+DATA_SIZE)%DATA_SIZE][y] +	//left of center
                diamond[(x+halfSide)%DATA_SIZE][y]				+	//right of center
                diamond[x][(y+halfSide)%DATA_SIZE]				+	//below center
                diamond[x][(y-halfSide+DATA_SIZE)%DATA_SIZE];	//above center

            avg /= 4.0;

            //new value = average plus random offset
            //calc random value in the range (-h,+h)
            float offset = (-h) + rand() * (h - (-h)) / RAND_MAX;
            avg = avg + offset;

            //update value for center of diamond
            diamond[x][y] = avg;

            //wrap values on the edges
            //remove this and adjust loop condition above
            //for non-wrapping values
            if (x == 0) diamond[DATA_SIZE-1][y] = avg;
            if (y == 0) diamond[x][DATA_SIZE-1] = avg;
        } //for y
    } //for x
} //for sideLength

/// Set maxY and minY to 0.0f
float maxY = diamond[1][1];
float minY = diamond[1][1];

/// Calculate minY and maxY values
for (int x = 0; x<DATA_SIZE-1; x++)
    for(int y=0; y<DATA_SIZE-1; y++)
        if (diamond[x][y] > maxY)
            maxY = diamond[x][y];
        if (diamond[x][y] < minY)
            minY = diamond[x][y];

/// Calculate height from 0 to 1
for(int x=0; x < DATA_SIZE-1; x++)
    for(int y=0; y < DATA_SIZE-1; y++)
        //change range to 0..1
        diamond[x][y] = (diamond[x][y] - minY) / (maxY - minY);


/// Copy color float from create texture
for(unsigned x = 0; x<width; x++)
    for(unsigned y = 0; y<height; y++)
        /// incremennt memory which seems to work
        int index = x+(y*width);


return true;


Code to produce output

[code]/// generate perlin output
bool Image::GenerateBuild(float * buffer, unsigned *output)
int width=width_;
int height=height_;
int components=components_;
int depth=1;

// loop through all the floats then convert to grayscale setting the color basis to .5 (forcing values 0 to 1)
for(unsigned x = 0; x<width; x++)
    for(unsigned y = 0; y<height; y++)

        /// incremennt memory which seems to work
        int index = x+(y*height);

        unsigned col = buffer[index]* 255;  /// create color value

        col = rgba32ToUInt(col,col,col, 255);

        output[index] = col;      /// set grayscale - rgba is not needed. it seems to be screwy with this type of code.

return true;



Can the problem be with this code below? When I change the offset to be 0. to float offset=0.1;

I get.

[code] //x,y is upper left corner of the square
//calculate average of existing corners
float avg = diamond[x][y] + //top left
diamond[x+sideLength][y] + //top right
diamond[x][y+sideLength] + //lower left
diamond[x+sideLength][y+sideLength]; //lower right
avg /= 4.0;

            //center is average plus random offset in the range (-h, h)
            float offset = (-h) + rand() * (h - (-h))  / RAND_MAX;[/code]

Problem partially fixed.

Could use help on the last part. Check out my response to dhayden.



I looked and modified the code as such . It is partially fixed. Here is a link of the produced image so I am trying to figure out the rest of the problem.

Main Picture

Troubled area after I inverted in a paint program (If that helps)

code segment

[code] //calculate average of existing corners
float avg = diamond[x][y] + //top left
diamond[(x+sideLength)%DATA_SIZE][y] + //top right
diamond[x][ (y+sideLength)%DATA_SIZE] + //lower left
diamond[(x+sideLength)%DATA_SIZE][(y+sideLength)%DATA_SIZE]; //lower right

            avg /= 4.0;

[/code]code segment

[code] for (int x = 0; x<DATA_SIZE;x++)
for(int y=0; y<DATA_SIZE; y++)
if (diamond[x][y] > maxY)
maxY = diamond[x][y];
if (diamond[x][y] < minY)
minY = diamond[x][y];

/// Calculate height from 0 to 1
for(int x=0; x < DATA_SIZE; x++)
    for(int y=0; y < DATA_SIZE; y++)
        //change range to 0..1
        diamond[x][y] = (diamond[x][y] - minY) / (maxY - minY);



In that code, I think you need to change x+sideLength to (x+sideLength)%DATA_SIZE, and change y+sideLength to (y+sideLength)%DATA_SIZE.

And are you sure your loop bounds are correct? Diamond is defined with DATA_SIZE items in each index, but some of your loops (e.g… line 89) are:

The largest value of x in this loop will be DATA_SIZE-2, which is one less than the largest index. This should be:




This code produces this output. What the heck!!


[code] cout << "\r\nlocation1 "<< diamond[305][742];
cout << "\r\nlocation2 " <<diamond[288][732];

/// Set maxY and minY to 0.0f
float maxY = diamond[1][1];
float minY = diamond[1][1];

for (int x = 0; x<DATA_SIZE;x++)
    for(int y=0; y<DATA_SIZE; y++)
        if (diamond[x][y] > maxY)
            maxY = diamond[x][y];
        if (diamond[x][y] < minY)
            minY = diamond[x][y];

cout << "\r\nminY"<< minY;
cout << "\r\nmaxY"<< maxY;[/code]

Output - Command Line (Debug)

location1 -24.0164 location2 -13.1731 minY-21.6058 maxY186.181
The for loop is not catching the minY and maxY!!!