I’m trying to show a crosshair in the middle of the screen.
I’m using a modified version of the default Urho UI.png:
And this is the XML block that’s creating the crosshair:
<element type="BorderImage"> <attribute name="Name" value="CrossHair" /> <attribute name="Position" value="0 0" /> <attribute name="Size" value="32 32" /> <attribute name="Max Size" value="32 32" /> <attribute name="Horiz Alignment" value="Center" /> <attribute name="Image Rect" value="200, 128, 232, 160" /> </element>
After hours of searching on forums, in the documentation, etc, I still cannot figure out why Urho is showing me this (instead of the crosshair):
It looks like Y coordinates of the Image Rect is totally ignored and set to 0.
Any assistance is appreciated.