Archive 19/01/2023.

[SOLVED] AnimatedSprite2D not working (from samples)


Hi everyone. I’m Having a really strange issue. I was trying to get my own 2d sprite going but for some reason it wasn’t showing up on the screen. So for a sanity check I tried to compile the Urho2dSpriterAnimation sample code. It compiled fine, opened fine but the sprite wan’t showing up. Tried compiling the other examples samples and everything else is working as it should it’s just 2D animated sprites that seem to be not showing up on screen.
Has anyone else had this problem?
Any ideas what could possibly be going on?
(Using VS2015 windows 10 64 bit)
Thanks :slight_smile:

Didn’t figure out what went wrong but I did a fresh install of Urho3D and it made things work :slight_smile: