Archive 19/01/2023.

[SOLVED] AngelScript InstantiateXML


Hi, i try to create myself a mini-game like this : from 1vanK ( thank for that )

and i’ve got a problem when i call inside my script :

Node@ newNodeParticle = scene.InstantiateXML(smoke_xml, position, Quaternion(0.0f, yaw, pitch));

i call this method when i shoot a bullet , but, i noticed a small freeze when i use particle. but not when i use the bullet only without particle.
the problem is the same with the 1vank’s demo ( only for the first bullet , me , for all bullet… :confused: )

it is possible to “preload” the xml file to prevent the freeze ?

the complete script :

[code]class Canon : ScriptObject{

float pitch 		= 0.0f;
float yaw 			= 0.0f;
float shootDelay 	= 0.0f;
XMLFile@ bullet_xml = cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "Objects/bullet.xml");
XMLFile@ smoke_xml 	= cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "Objects/smokeCanon.xml");

void Update(float timeStep){

	if (input.keyDown[KEY_UP]){
		pitch += 45 * timeStep;

	if (input.keyDown[KEY_DOWN]){
		pitch -= 45 * timeStep;
	if (input.keyDown[KEY_RIGHT]){
		yaw += 20 * timeStep;

	if (input.keyDown[KEY_LEFT]){
		yaw -= 20 * timeStep;
	if( yaw >= 100.0f){
		yaw = 100.0f;
	if( yaw <= 80.0f){
		yaw = 80.0f;
	if (input.keyDown[KEY_SPACE] && shootDelay <= 0.0f){
		shootDelay = 1.0f;
	pitch -= 1.5f * timeStep;
	if (shootDelay > 0.0f)
		shootDelay -= timeStep;		
	if( pitch >= -50.0f){
		pitch = -50.0f;
	if( pitch <= -95.0f){
		pitch = -95.0f;
	//node.rotation = Quaternion(pitch, yaw, 0);

	node.GetChild("base",true).rotation = Quaternion(0, yaw, 0);
	node.GetChild("canon",true).rotation = Quaternion(0, 0, pitch);

void Shoot()
    Vector3 position    = node.GetChild("hotpoint", true).worldPosition;

    Node@ newNode = scene.InstantiateXML(bullet_xml, position, Quaternion());
	Node@ newNodeParticle = scene.InstantiateXML(smoke_xml, position, Quaternion(0.0f, yaw, pitch));
    RigidBody@ 		body  = newNode.GetComponent("RigidBody");
	body.ApplyImpulse( Quaternion(0.0f, yaw, pitch) * Vector3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f) * 1950.0f);



Xml files with particles is ultra big. May be reason of freeze is parsing but lot loading. Are you using release version of engine? (Debug version is really slowly)


You can not use instaniate for particles, just add particle emitter componet with particle effect


yes , i use release version of the player, i compiled myself with vs2015.
but, there is no way to pre-load all xml in memory and instanciate particle / whatever directly with the RAM ?

yes, it’s good idea , but my particle object have a script for remove itself. i will try this way. but, my first question still valid :slight_smile:


In the AngelScript API there some convenience overloads for InstantiateXML that don’t directly exist in C++ API. One of them is to instantiate from a XMLFile, which you can preload into RAM, in which case XML parsing has already happened and it should be fairly fast. Another overload (also in C++) takes an XMLElement that should be the root of the scene/prefab data. … lass_Scene


hi cadaver, thx for reply.

well , if i understand the processus :

  • load xml with scene@
  • disable node@ with SetEnabledRecursive(true)
  • clone the node@ when needed with Clone() and enable it.

it’s the correct way ?


ok, my way is not the good way , the problem still here , this is a part of my script :

[code]class Canon : ScriptObject{


XMLFile@ 	smoke_xml 	= cache.GetResource("XMLFile", "Objects/smokeCanon.xml");
Node@		particle_instance;

void DelayedStart(){
	particle_instance = scene.InstantiateXML(smoke_xml, Vector3(), Quaternion());



void Shoot()
	// no freeze here
    Vector3 position    = node.GetChild("hotpoint", true).worldPosition;
    Node@ newNode = scene.InstantiateXML(bullet_xml, position, Quaternion());
	// freeze here
	Node@ newNodeParticle = particle_instance.Clone();
    newNodeParticle.SetTransform(position, Quaternion(0,yaw,pitch)); // axis inverted xyz -> zyx , no error ;)
	// apply impulse on the heavy bullet
    RigidBody@ 		body  = newNode.GetComponent("RigidBody");
	body.ApplyImpulse( Quaternion(0.0f, yaw, pitch) * Vector3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f) * 1950.0f);


i use DelayedStart() for instanciate the xml file, and i use clone method inside shoot() method for create new instance. but freeze still here when i shoot.


i use the technique described above, and i unchecked “Serialize particles” in the particle emitter.