Archive 19/01/2023.

[SOLVED]Alpha transparancy in UI Sprite


I have interated CEF in my app (mac) but am facin issue in transparency in sprite.

void AnimatingScene::OnPaint(CefRefPtr<CefBrowser> browser, PaintElementType type, const RectList &dirtyRects, const void *buffer, int width, int height) { unsigned char* dat = ipic->GetData(); memcpy(dat, buffer, width*height*4); // for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++) { // dat[4*i] = 0xff; // dat[4*i + 1] = 0; // dat[4*i + 2] = 0xff; // dat[4*i + 3] = 100; // } le->SetData(ipic); }

ipic = new Image(context_);
le = new Texture2D(context_);

since data is type char type, i tried set alpha 100, but the whole pixel is transparent not see throu…

any help!


HI, Here is a detail of what i am doin …

[code] le = new Texture2D(context_);
//dyamic tex 640x480 with alpha
le->SetSize(640, 480, Graphics::GetRGBAFormat(),TEXTURE_DYNAMIC);

// A Image container for frame buffer
ipic = new Image(context_);
//resized internal buffer to 640 x 480
ipic->SetSize(640, 480, 4);
//white opaque
memset(ipic->GetData(), 0xff, 640*480*4);

//set data

UI* ui = GetSubsystem<UI>();
dynamic_sprite = ui->GetRoot()->CreateChild<Sprite>();    
// Set logo sprite texture
int textureWidth = le->GetWidth();
int textureHeight = le->GetHeight();
// Set logo sprite size
dynamic_sprite->SetSize(textureWidth, textureHeight);
// Set logo sprite hot spot
dynamic_sprite->SetHotSpot(0, textureHeight);
// Set logo sprite alignment
dynamic_sprite->SetAlignment(HA_CENTER, VA_BOTTOM);


This all works, now I am tryin to update it runtime,

[code] unsigned char* dat = ipic->GetData();
for (int i=0; i<width height; i++) {
i] = 0xff; // RED
dat[4 i + 1] = 0;
i + 2] = 0;

    dat[4*i + 3] = 128; //ALPHA
    //alpha is 128 ie half transparent, but it is opaque, if set to "0" it becomes completely transparent
    // I require alpha mapped sprite


    [color=#FF0000]//alpha is 128 ie half transparent, but it is seen opaque, if set to "0" it becomes completely transparent
    // I require alpha mapped sprite[/color]

is it possible in URHO3D ?


Try setting blendmode (UIElement::SetBlendMode) on the UI element to BLEND_ALPHA.


all done thanks,
finally I can have a HTML UI.


[quote=“amit”]all done thanks,
finally I can have a HTML UI.[/quote]

Wow… I’ve been trying to implement something similar to this. If its an open information I wouldn’t mind you sharing how you were able to do it :smiley:


sure, what do you want to know.
I used CEF3 prebuilt libs. Its easy on windows, but I am usin MAC here.
What platform are you usin


[quote=“amit”]sure, what do you want to know.
I used CEF3 prebuilt libs. Its easy on windows, but I am usin MAC here.
What platform are you usin[/quote]

My Platform is Windows. I want to know how you were able to integrate CEF into Urho3D’s rendering process


download prebuild lib from,

and use cmake to build all sample and an additional lib libcef_dll_wrapper.

I used cefsimple source and foll code to init it

[code] // SimpleApp implements application-level callbacks. It will create the first
// browser instance in OnContextInitialized() after CEF has initialized.
CefRefPtr app(new SimpleApp(this));

// Specify CEF global settings here.
CefSettings settings;

// Initialize CEF for the browser process.
CefInitialize(main_args, settings, app.get(), NULL);[/code]

additionally add " window_info.SetAsWindowless(0, true);"


CefBrowserHost::CreateBrowserSync(window_info, handler.get(), url, browser_settings, NULL);


and add
virtual CefRefPtr GetRenderHandler() {
return renderhandle;
in simple_handler class

renderhandle is an implementation of CefRenderHandler with OnPaint implementation. see 1st post.

also see 2nd post for urho side impl.

let me know if u have any trouble


Thanks a lot, I will try it out right away :slight_smile: