Archive 19/01/2023.

[SOLVED] Adding component type and functions into the Editor



I am trying to be able to use “GameAssetManager@ AssetManager;” in angelscript for example including calling functions from it. I know how to register components but I’m not sure how to register it fully in the script engine. I’m starting off with this base code.

[code]void EngineEditorApp::Start()
// Start the app

// Register here

// Get Resource path
ResourceCache * ResCache = g_pApp->GetConstantResCache();

m_bIsInit = true;

// Set Script file
String scriptFileName_ = String("Scripts/");
String extension = GetExtension(scriptFileName_);

if (extension != ".lua" && extension != ".luc")
    // Instantiate and register the AngelScript subsystem
    context_->RegisterSubsystem(new Script(context_));

    // Get Script engine
    asIScriptEngine * ThisScriptEngine = GetSubsystem<Script>()->GetScriptEngine();

    // Pass Engine

    // Hold a shared pointer to the script file to make sure it is not unloaded during runtime
    scriptFile_= ResCache ->GetResource<ScriptFile>(scriptFileName_);

    /// \hack If we are running the editor, also instantiate Lua subsystem to enable editing Lua ScriptInstances

    // If script loading is successful, proceed to main loop
    if (scriptFile_ && scriptFile_->Execute("void Start()"))
        // Subscribe to script's reload event to allow live-reload of the application
        SubscribeToEvent(scriptFile_, E_RELOADSTARTED, URHO3D_HANDLER(EngineEditorApp, HandleScriptReloadStarted));
        SubscribeToEvent(scriptFile_, E_RELOADFINISHED, URHO3D_HANDLER(EngineEditorApp, HandleScriptReloadFinished));
        SubscribeToEvent(scriptFile_, E_RELOADFAILED, URHO3D_HANDLER(EngineEditorApp, HandleScriptReloadFailed));




[code] #include “EngineStd.h”


using namespace std;

#include “GameAsset.h”
#include “GameAssetRules.h”
#include “GameAssetManager.h”

#include “Urho3D/AngelScript/APITemplates.h”

// constructor - initialize set default
GameAssetManager::GameAssetManager(Context* context)

// GameAssetLibrary
m_pGameAssetLibrary = new Vector<GameAsset*>();
m_pGameAssetRuleLibrary = new Vector<GameAssetRule*>();


// Register Subsystem
void GameAssetManager::RegisterObject(Context* context)
///context -> RegisterSubsystem(new GameAssetManager(context));




void GameAssetManager::RegisterAPI(asIScriptEngine * engine)
engine->RegisterObjectType(“GameAssetManager”,0, asOBJ_REF); // asOBJ_REF because you wanted a reference call

engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("GameAssetManager",asBEHAVE_ADDREF,"void f()",asFUNCTION(FakeAddRef),asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST);
engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("GameAssetManager",asBEHAVE_RELEASE,"void f()",asFUNCTION(FakeReleaseRef),asCALL_CDECL_OBJLAST);


// setup asset path
void GameAssetManager::Init(void)
// get file system
FileSystem* filesystem = GetSubsystem();

m_pGameAssetResources = new GameAssetData(context_);

// Set Data filename

// initalize base assets



// add game asset - base symbol
GameAsset * GameAssetManager::AddGameAsset(String GA_Name, String GA_Symbol,GameAssetType GA_Type, GameAssetState GA_State)
// if asset library is null
return NULL;

// check valid
if(GA_Name.Empty() || GA_Symbol.Empty())
    return NULL;

// check if state or type is valid
if(GA_Type == GAType_None || GA_State==GAState_None)
    return NULL;

// create new game asset
GameAsset * newGameAsset;

newGameAsset = new GameAsset(context_);

newGameAsset ->SetSymbol(GA_Symbol);
newGameAsset ->SetTypeState(GA_Type, GA_State);

// add to library

return newGameAsset;



In the header I defined RegisterObject and RegisterAPI as static void

When I run the editor it says GameAssetManager is not a valid name identifier in the global namespace and the rest of the .as script doesn’t compile. I modifed the code to the above.

I’m just get this when compiling.

||=== Build: EngineEditor in Urho3D (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===| rho3D-Hangars-Myfork-BuildEditor/include/Urho3D/ThirdParty/AngelScript/angelscript.h|421|error: cannot convert ?GameAssetManager::FakeAddRef? from type ?void (GameAssetManager::)(void*)? to type ?void (GameAssetManager::*)(void*)?| rho3D-Hangars-MyForkEditor/Source/EngineStd/GameAssetManager/GameAssetManager.cpp|42|note: in expansion of macro ?asFUNCTION?| Urho3D-Hangars-Myfork-BuildEditor/include/Urho3D/ThirdParty/AngelScript/angelscript.h|421|error: cannot convert ?GameAssetManager::FakeReleaseRef? from type ?void (GameAssetManager::)(void*)? to type ?void (GameAssetManager::*)(void*)?| Urho3D-Hangars-MyForkEditor/Source/EngineStd/GameAssetManager/GameAssetManager.cpp|43|note: in expansion of macro ?asFUNCTION?| Urho3D-Hangars-Myfork-BuildEditor/include/Urho3D/ThirdParty/AngelScript/angelscript.h||In instantiation of ?asSFuncPtr asFunctionPtr(T) [with T = void (GameAssetManager::*)(void*)]?:| rho3D-Hangars-MyForkEditor/Source/EngineStd/GameAssetManager/GameAssetManager.cpp|42|required from here| Urho3D-Hangars-Myfork-BuildEditor/include/Urho3D/ThirdParty/AngelScript/angelscript.h|1184|error: invalid cast from type ?void (GameAssetManager::*)(void*)? to type ?size_t {aka long unsigned int}?| ||=== Build failed: 3 error(s), 2 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 20 second(s)) ===|

Any help is appreciated.



This is the header file.

[code] #ifndef GameAssetManager_GameAssetManager_Included
#define GameAssetManager_GameAssetManager_Included

#include “GameAssetData.h”

using namespace std;
using namespace Urho3D;

class URHO3D_API GameAssetManager : public LogicComponent
URHO3D_OBJECT(GameAssetManager, LogicComponent);
// Constructor and Destructor
GameAssetManager(Context* context);

// Register API
static void RegisterObject(Context* context);

// Fpr scripting
static void RegisterAPI(asIScriptEngine * engine);

void FakeAddRef(void * ptr);
void FakeReleaseRef(void* ptr);

// initialize
void Init(void);

// add game asset - base symbol
GameAsset* AddGameAsset(String GA_Name, String GA_Symbol, GameAssetType GA_Type, GameAssetState GA_State);

// search asset by name
GameAsset* FindGameAssetByKeyword(String Keyword, bool useName);
GameAsset* FindGameAssetByName(String Keyword){ return FindGameAssetByKeyword(Keyword, true); };
GameAsset* FindGameAssetBySymbol(String Keyword){ return FindGameAssetByKeyword(Keyword, false); };

// load initialial assets
void InitializeBaseGameAssets(void);

// load game assets
bool LoadGameAssets(void)
    if(m_pGameAssetLibrary == NULL || m_pGameAssetResources == NULL)
        return NULL;

    // load into memory
    return m_pGameAssetResources->LoadGameAssets(m_pGameAssetLibrary);

// find a specific asset
GameAsset* GetGameAssetByIdx(unsigned int idx);

// get total assets
unsigned int GetTotalGameAssets(void);

// delete asset
bool DeleteGameAsset(GameAsset* RemoveGameAsset);

// Game Asset Library - Actual data
Vector<GameAsset*>* m_pGameAssetLibrary;
Vector<GameAssetRule*>* m_pGameAssetRuleLibrary;

GameAssetData*			m_pGameAssetResources;




I made my game into a library so I can link it to Urho3DPlayer.
Just look how Urho exposes AngelScript API and do the same.


[quote=“Enhex”]I made my game into a library so I can link it to Urho3DPlayer.
Just look how Urho exposes AngelScript API and do the same.[/quote]

I’m looking aat the code. Just stuck on registering a object and behaviour… I’m trying the FakeRef method but just getting cannot convert type so behavious aren’t setup.


Try looking at “void RegisterPhysicsAPI(asIScriptEngine* engine)” or other functions that expose things to the AS API.



I got this far.

I am just having problems figuring how to get the Node updated to the selected node. I tried LastSelectedNode.Get() pointer then assigned CreatedGameAsset to it. That creates a call stack / seg fault error. Hmmm.


void HandleGameAssetChooserDoubleClickedItem(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
    // load resources here
    GameAssetManager@ pAssetManager = GetGameAssetManager();
    GameAssetFactory@ pAssetFactory = GetGameAssetFactory();

    // Get Game Asset Symbol
    Text@ symbolTextItem = eventData["Element"].GetPtr();
    String symbolNameString = symbolTextItem .vars["Symbol"].GetString();

    // Get Gane Asset
    const GameAsset@ SelectedGameAsset = pAssetManager.FindGameAssetBySymbol(symbolNameString,false);

    // Generate a node
    Node@ CreatedGameAsset= pAssetFactory.CreateNode(SelectedGameAsset, INVALID_GAME_NODE_ID);


I just tried the following but not sure what’s wrong. It crashes and when I try any of the listview. I can’t tell if it’s calling the handler.

   // Create a UI
    void CreateGameAssetChooserUI()
        // second one is not needed just added
        if (gameAssetChooserWindow !is null)

       gameAssetChooserWindow = LoadEditorUI("UI/EditorGameAssetChooser.xml");

       // get file list
       gameAssetsList = gameAssetChooserWindow.GetChild("GameAssetList",true);

       // Subscribe to Events

       // add ui

       // Bring window to front and position to screen width-300,100
       gameAssetChooserWindow.SetPosition(ui.root.width-300, 100);


       SubscribeToEvent(gameAssetsList, "ItemDoubleClicked", "HandleGameAssetChooserDoubleClickedItem");

    // Build List
    void GameAssetChooserBuildList()
        // load resources here
        GameAssetManager@ pAssetManager = GetGameAssetManager();
        GameAssetFactory@ pAssetFactory = GetGameAssetFactory();

       // get file list
       //gameAssetsList = gameAssetChooserWindow.GetChild("GameAssetList",true);

        uint NumberOfGameAssets = pAssetManager.GetTotalGameAssets();

        for(uint i=0;i<NumberOfGameAssets;i++)
             GameAsset@ ThisAsset = pAssetManager.GetGameAssetByIdx(i);

                // Create elements
                UIElement@ container2 = UIElement();
                container2.SetLayout(LM_HORIZONTAL, 4);

                Text@ text = container2.CreateChild("Text");
                text.text =  ThisAsset.GetAssetSymbol();
       =  String("Symbol");
                // Set Style

                // Set Style


 void HandleGameAssetChooserDoubleClickedItem(StringHash eventType, VariantMap& eventData)
        // load resources here
        GameAssetManager@ pAssetManager = GetGameAssetManager();
        GameAssetFactory@ pAssetFactory = GetGameAssetFactory();

        // Get Game Asset Symbol
        Text@ symbolTextItem = eventData["Element"].GetPtr();
        String symbolNameString = symbolTextItem.text.Trimmed();

        // Get Gane Asset
        const GameAsset@ selectedGameAsset = pAssetManager.FindGameAssetBySymbol(symbolNameString,false);

        // Create a gameNode
        Node@ gameNode =  pAssetFactory.CreateNode(selectedGameAsset, INVALID_GAME_NODE_ID);   // basically 0

        if(gameNode!is null)
            // Add Child to Scene
