Archive 19/01/2023.

[SOLEVED] Is it possible to extract Assimp from Urho3D?


I cannot build Assimp using CMake-GUI and MinGW (32 bit)


[ 71%] Building CXX object tools/assimp_cmd/CMakeFiles/assimp_cmd.dir/ImageExtractor.cpp.obj
[ 72%] Building CXX object tools/assimp_cmd/CMakeFiles/assimp_cmd.dir/Main.cpp.obj
[ 72%] Building CXX object tools/assimp_cmd/CMakeFiles/assimp_cmd.dir/WriteDumb.cpp.obj
[ 72%] Building CXX object tools/assimp_cmd/CMakeFiles/assimp_cmd.dir/Info.cpp.obj
[ 73%] Building CXX object tools/assimp_cmd/CMakeFiles/assimp_cmd.dir/Export.cpp.obj
[ 73%] Linking CXX executable assimp.exe
CMakeFiles\assimp_cmd.dir/objects.a(Main.cpp.obj):Main.cpp:(.text+0x42): undefined reference to Assimp::DefaultLogger::create(char const*, Assimp::Logger::LogSeverity, unsigned int, Assimp::IOSystem*)' CMakeFiles\assimp_cmd.dir/objects.a(Main.cpp.obj):Main.cpp:(.text+0xac): undefined reference to Assimp::Importer::ValidateFlags(unsigned int) const’
CMakeFiles\assimp_cmd.dir/objects.a(Main.cpp.obj):Main.cpp:(.text+0xee): undefined reference to Assimp::Importer::ReadFile(char const*, unsigned int)' CMakeFiles\assimp_cmd.dir/objects.a(Main.cpp.obj):Main.cpp:(.text+0x17a): undefined reference to Assimp::DefaultLogger::create(char const*, Assimp::Logger::LogSeverity, unsigned int, Assimp::IOSystem*)’
CMakeFiles\assimp_cmd.dir/objects.a(Main.cpp.obj):Main.cpp:(.text+0x1a6): undefined reference to `Assimp::DefaultLogger::kill()’

And I cannot choose in CMake-GUI what Importers to disable. But I built successfully Urho3D from source using CMake-GUI and MinGW (32 bit). I could disable a lot of importers. I want to try to use Assimp with OpenGL3 and GLSL. I want to understand how to use skeletal animation from scratch.


I found the same problem here:

But I cannot find add_library(IrrXML ${IrrXML_SRCS}) in CMakeList.txt and I do not understand where to place this code:

  add_library(IrrXML ${IrrXML_SRCS})
  add_library(IrrXML STATIC ${IrrXML_SRCS})

It looks to me like the upstream project may have broken the mingw builds:


mind that Darwin|FreeBSD is Apple


As far as I know the tools are currently not working with this compiler.

But why was it possible to build Urho3D + Assimp with MinGW 32 bit? Maybe do not I need to include “tools” in build? I will try uncheck “tools”.


CMake-GUI shows what importers to include when I build Urho3D. What did you make with Assimp? How can I uncheck some importers when I build Assimp from source?


Maybe did I install wrong MinGW? I installed from this link: What is better or it is good?


Just to clarify, is this a separate Assimp based project you are working on? Are you using the version packaged with Urho? Are you using Urho’s build system?


I wanted to understand why building of Assimp with Urho3D is different. And why I can build Assimp with Urho3D but I cannot build Assimp 5.1.0 from official Assimp Repo. I now understand it. It is because Urho3D uses Assimp 4.1.0. But when I tried to build Assimp 4.1.0 I see the message errors below. All importers was disabled in CMake-GUI excepted OBJ - just for testing. libassimp.dll.a was created but I cannot find .dll

[ 98%] Building CXX object code/CMakeFiles/assimp.dir/__/contrib/openddlparser/code/OpenDDLStream.cpp.obj [ 99%] Building C object code/CMakeFiles/assimp.dir/__/contrib/zip/src/zip.c.obj [100%] Linking CXX shared library libassimp.dll CMakeFiles\assimp.dir/objects.a(Exporter.cpp.obj):Exporter.cpp:(.text+0x12d1): undefined reference to Assimp::ExportScene3MF(char const*, Assimp::IOSystem*, aiScene const*, Assimp::ExportProperties const*)’
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make[2]: *** [code\CMakeFiles\assimp.dir\build.make:1276: code/libassimp.dll] Error 1
mingw32-make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles\Makefile2:285: code/CMakeFiles/assimp.dir/all] Error 2
mingw32-make: *** [Makefile:149: all] Error 2


The 3MF importer was unchecked by me.


I solved the problem! The ASSIMP_BUILD_3MF_IMPORTER option must be enabled. MinGW32 works with Assimp 4.1.0 . You can disable all Importers excepted ASSIMP_BUILD_3MF_IMPORTER. But I cannot build Assimp 5.1.0 with MinGW32 and I do not know how to disable importers in 5.1.0. It does not matter for me now. I glad that 4.1.0 works!