Archive 19/01/2023.

Size of Nodes or Components


This is probably a dumb (non-3D programmer) question but do either nodes or components in Urho3D have a size? I don’t see any mention of it in the somewhat sparse documentation.

I assume you just use SetScale to change the size on-screen?

How do you know what the size (scale = 1) is of a Component created like:

var plane = galaxyNode.CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
plane.Model = CoreAssets.Models.Plane;

Are the dimensions always 1?

If you create a cylinder, is the radius 1 and the height 1?


Some components have WorldBoundingBox. This is the closest thing to physical “size” you can get.


OK, thanks. I guess scale is how you do it then.


The size at scale=(1,1,1) is determined by how large you model the geometry. It can be modeled at whatever scale you require.


But I’m not creating a model and loading it. I’m talking about using the built-in models.

var plane = galaxyNode.CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
plane.Model = CoreAssets.Models.Plane;

The plane seems to have unit length sides. But what about things like Dome, Torus, Cylinder? It is not obvious what the default size of this is. I guess you have to inspect them in the debugger to determine this.