Archive 19/01/2023.

Setting up standalone kNet server on VPS


I’m not sure if VPS is something that most developers setup, but I repeated this setup again today for the second time in months and forgotten what steps I took to do it, so I thought I can share this.

Setting it up
For starters, I use DigitalOcean’s VPS service. It’s cheap and you can setup multiple Droplets, which is really a nice feature.

Here’s a reference video for those not familiar with setting up VPS.
Unlike the video, I didn’t setup ZPanel but do use Putty and WinSCP.
I chose Ubuntu 14.04.3 64-bit for my Droplet.
You do need to install camke, gcc and g++ before you get started.

Standalone kNet library
The kNet library found here is not up to date and didn’t build.
I’ve made a few corrections , and it builds HelloServer that uses port 2345 that can be tested with 16_Chat demo.


My plan was to write a master server next, but I just discovered Unity’s master server API here .
It might be easier to adopt their strategy.


Hey Lumak, this is quite interesting. :slight_smile: You can also have a look at Torque3D’s masterserver implementation. The popular version that I know of just uses PHP and already tested to be still working. The code is also short and simple enough (~300 lines of code) but there’s some work to be done on the urho client side.

Here’s the link of the source for reference: … view/14857


Oh wow, that is really short. Thank you for this.

I did end up writing up my own master server using kNet for the sake of writing one, even after seeing Unity and RakNet master server samples. I’ll probably use what I got for now, but it’s good to know that there’s something that I can fall back on.


[quote=“Lumak”]Oh wow, that is really short. Thank you for this.

I did end up writing up my own master server using kNet for the sake of writing one, even after seeing Unity and RakNet master server samples. I’ll probably use what I got for now, but it’s good to know that there’s something that I can fall back on.[/quote]

Sure thing and sounds great! :slight_smile: