Archive 19/01/2023.

SetShaderParameterAnimation use


In the UrhoSharp.SharpReality sample Advanced Earth, the shader is misplaced from the others using the Update call.

Just below that line, there is a code comment that the same could be done using SetShaderParameterAnimation.

How is this routine used? Any sample code available showing use?


You create a ValueAnimation and then pass that into Material::SetShaderParameterAnimation , you’ll need to look up how UrhoSharp has that bound to C#.


Are there any C++ code samples, for either? ValueAnimation or SetShaderParameterAnimation.

Going from C++ to C# is much easier than starting with nothing in C#.

A bit of sample code goes a long way.


Yeah you found it. That’s nice that the UrhoSharp folks ported all of the examples - didn’t know they did that.