[quote=“thebluefish”]It won’t be possible as long as the forum is being hosted through prophpbb as they manage all of the software used to run the forum, though it may be possible to change the settings depending on what’s available in the admin panel. It’s been years since I’ve admin’d a phpbb-based board (Mine switched to vBulletin a while ago), so I don’t quite remember what is available.
If we switched to a self-hosted forum, we would need someone who is knowledgeable in such hosting solutions since there are security concerns, spam issues, and other problems that a non-experienced admin might not know how to resolve. So there’s pros and cons to either way we approach it.
As previously mentioned, Google is your best bet in this case.[/quote]
If there was a demand for it then I could always host it on my servers, they are remaining up for the foreseeable future (and I can give full system backups to who-ever as well at regular intervals). I host the MinecraftForge sites, build server, forums, file hosting, everything, and can host it on the same server. The new forum system that we have been setting up and experimenting with for the site design overall is Discourse, you can see our in-progress tests of it (and feel free to mess with it to see how it works if you want in the meta category) at
. It is a forum system made by the creator of Stack Overflow designed to be a Stack Overflow style Forum. I can set you up a new instance if you wish and the instances are portable so if you wanted to move it to a new server of your own sometime then you just install discourse and copy the data directory, that contains
for the site. Only thing I would need is just some DNS pointed to it (
or so?) or I can set up a temporary one (
or whatever).
Discourse has amazing functionality built in and it is amazingly simple to integrate with external services. it even has Github integration since it was designed to co-exist with Stack Overflow (see example of github integration at:
). I can walk anyone through how to set it up and manage it as well.
For note, this prophpbb website was down (SQL server was not responding error) for about a half hour last night, unsure if that is common, but eh… Only time I take down Forge’s is to install an update, usually down for about 5 minutes as I do.