Archive 19/01/2023.

Screenshots of my Voxel Render


Hello guys, today i want to show screenshots of my project.
these screenshots are taken on Mac.

omg, this is my first post, I can’t post any link to my images…
ok, so,
please find screenshots in Googleplay with App name as “Multicraft Miner Exploration”.


OK?here are them:


So good!


Awesome work! I am going to try it tonight. Can you share a bit more on the AdMob integration and Android in general?


regarding Admob, following guide is fine. but you have to set AD filter carefully.
regarding Urho3D on Android, you have to make share you app works on all GPU, :frowning: . and do not load GPU resources when you app is in background.


Which guide did you follow for AdMod, the new Firebase one? Can you give an example on how to fix the GPU running in the background? Would be cool if you can make a pull request for that or add it in the wiki.


[quote=“kinba”]Hello guys, today i want to show screenshots of my project.
these screenshots are taken on Mac.

omg, this is my first post, I can’t post any link to my images…
ok, so,
please find screenshots in Googleplay with App name as “Multicraft - Miner Exploration”.[/quote]

Can not find it in googleplay, can you post the app link?


Sorry for late.
Please find the build here:


Sorry for late.
regarding admob:

  1. create a new app in admob
  2. create new placement.
  3. follow setup instrument.

I had switched to adbana weeks ago, because adbana has admob support builtin.

regarding GPU, I have to set a flag if my app is not in forground to make it works better.
but I havn’t 100% fixed all issues regarding this.


This looks amazing !
Can you please tell about the development process ?
Do you have iOS or windows version also ?


iOS version will be available very soon.
the game works on mac,linux,windows, but I don’t think it’s ok to release.


how long i take you to the develop the game?


Yes, it took years to complete.


Is Android making any profit that is worth the effort?


It’s hard to say if it’s worth.
It was very hard training for my team and myself, as we all know that it was very hard to make it happen. as you noticed that it isn’t a demo, but a real game.


Do you have some rough estimate for admob per day with your volume of downloads?


@sabotage3d , I cant tell at this moment, :slight_smile:

Another news is the App entered top 10 free new in google play.