Archive 19/01/2023.

Scale UIs (good for different screen sizes)


Thought something like this would be good to be built into urho until then you can use this :slight_smile:

only thing is you lose some sharpness for not whole number values of scale but I guess that’s unavoidable

If you enter a Window and set recursive to true and set the scale to size of screen / size of screen it was designed for - it works really nicely

void ScaleUIElement(UIElement * uiElement, float scale, bool recursive) 
	IntVector2 Size = uiElement->GetSize();
	Size = IntVector2(Size.x_ * scale, Size.y_ * scale);
	IntVector2 Position = uiElement->GetPosition();
	Position = IntVector2(Position.x_* scale, Position.y_ * scale);
	if (dynamic_cast<TextEdit*>(uiElement) != NULL)
		int fontSize = (dynamic_cast<TextEdit*>(uiElement))->GetFontSize();
		dynamic_cast<TextEdit*>(uiElement)->SetFontSize(fontSize * scale);
	if (dynamic_cast<Text*>(uiElement) != NULL)
		int fontSize = (dynamic_cast<Text*>(uiElement))->GetFontSize();
		Font *font = (dynamic_cast<Text*>(uiElement))->GetFont();
		dynamic_cast<Text*>(uiElement)->SetFont(font, fontSize * scale);
	if (dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(uiElement) != NULL)
		IntVector2 hotspot = (dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(uiElement))->GetHotSpot();
		hotspot = IntVector2(hotspot.x_ * scale, hotspot.y_ * scale);
	if (recursive)
		Vector<SharedPtr<UIElement> > allChildren = uiElement->GetChildren();
		for (int i = 0; i < allChildren.Size(); i++)
			ScaleUIElement(allChildren[i], scale, true);

I did some related work in the past:

Still didn’t reach adding it to Urho3D in my to do list.


Thank you for sharing the code, I like it.


There is a little hack. It should work basically, it accounts for X, Y. I’m not sure about fonts so I used the scaling of the screen height.

void ScaleUIElement(UIElement * uiElement, float scaleX, float scaleY, bool recursive) 
    // using Y since usually changes the most with text higher then longer
    float basefontScale = scaleY;
	IntVector2 Size = uiElement->GetSize();
	Size = IntVector2(Size.x_ * scaleX, Size.y_ * scaleY);
	IntVector2 Position = uiElement->GetPosition();
	Position = IntVector2(Position.x_* scaleX, Position.y_ * scaleY);
	if (dynamic_cast<TextEdit*>(uiElement) != NULL)
		int fontSize = (dynamic_cast<TextEdit*>(uiElement))->GetFontSize();
		dynamic_cast<TextEdit*>(uiElement)->SetFontSize(fontSize * basefontScale );
	if (dynamic_cast<Text*>(uiElement) != NULL)
		int fontSize = (dynamic_cast<Text*>(uiElement))->GetFontSize();
		Font *font = (dynamic_cast<Text*>(uiElement))->GetFont();
		dynamic_cast<Text*>(uiElement)->SetFont(font, fontSize * basefontScale );
	if (dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(uiElement) != NULL)
		IntVector2 hotspot = (dynamic_cast<Sprite*>(uiElement))->GetHotSpot();
		hotspot = IntVector2(hotspot.x_ * scale, hotspot.y_ * scaleY);
	if (recursive)
		Vector<SharedPtr<UIElement> > allChildren = uiElement->GetChildren();
		for (int i = 0; i < allChildren.Size(); i++)
			ScaleUIElement(allChildren[i], scale, true);

If I’m correct

// Base WIdth
float baseWidth = 480.0f;
float baseHeight = 853.0f;

// Scaling Variables
float scaleWidth = 1.0f;
float scaleHeight = 1.0f;

// Calculate scaling
scaleWidth =  ScreenWidth /  BaseWidth < 1.0f ? scaleWidth = 1.0f : scaleWidth = scaleWidth;
scaleHeight = ScreenHeight / BaseHeight < 1.0f ? scaleHeight = 1.0f : scaleHeight = scaleHeight;

Should pass the values you need
