Archive 19/01/2023.

Sampling from sEnvCubeMap always black


I’m trying to implement reflection for arbitrary surfaces, and I figured sEnvCubeMap would be the correct way to do this.

Here is my technique:

<technique vs="RefractionReflection_VS" ps="RefractionReflection_PS" > <pass name="refract" /> </technique>

Pixel shader:

[code] #include “Uniforms.glsl”
#include “Samplers.glsl”

const float bumpyness = 0.0;
const float refractFactor = 0.9;

varying vec3 vPosition_worldSpace;
varying vec3 vNormal_worldSpace;
varying vec3 vTangent_worldSpace;
varying vec3 vEyeDirection_worldSpace;
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
varying vec3 vProjection;

void PS()
vec3 eyeDirection_worldSpace = normalize(vEyeDirection_worldSpace);
vec3 normal_textureSpace = normalize(texture2D(sNormalMap, vTexCoord).rgb * 2 - 1);

mat3 invTBN = mat3(
    normalize(cross(vTangent_worldSpace, vNormal_worldSpace)),

vec3 normal_worldSpace = invTBN * normal_textureSpace;
vec3 reflect_worldSpace = reflect(-eyeDirection_worldSpace, normal_worldSpace);
vec3 reflectColor = textureCube(sEnvCubeMap, reflect_worldSpace).rgb;

gl_FragColor = vec4(reflectColor, 1);



And just to show that my reflect_worldSpace vector is correct, here I output it directly with gl_FragColor = vec4(reflect_worldSpace, 1); :


I’m currently working on the same thing, you having any luck with it?

i am looking at how the water sample works, and not having any luck as of yet.


I just thought I should mention: There is an issue with GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_SEAMLESS that results in software fallback and rendering black on some hardware (including GeForce 9800GT and some older in the line that otherwise support OpenGL 3.2). It’s ‘wontfix’ but a simple fix is described.

But if TextureCube otherwise renders for you, disregard.