Archive 19/01/2023.

Rotating a camera around a point then lookat



I’m trying to figure out how to rotate a camera around a center point looking at it. Do anyone have any ideas or know some links to how?

Also, I need to compute distance like view. like 100%(full person-bounding area) view 150% view.




So you just want to rotate the camera around a target node, if I understand you correctly. Shouldn’t be more difficult than this:

// Class member variable
float cameraYaw = 0.0f;

// Run each frame update
void UpdateCameraRotation(float deltatime, Node* targetNode) {
  cameraYaw += 60.0 * dt;  // Rotate camera N degrees each second
  Quaternion q = Quaternion(cameraYaw, Vector3::UP);   // Construct rotation
  Vector3 cameraOffset(0.0f, -3.0f, 5.0f);  // Camera offset relative to target node 
  Vector3 cameraPosition = targetNode->GetPosition() - (q * cameraOffset);  // New rotated camera position with whatever offset you want

  camera->SetPosition(cameraPosition);  // Set new camera position and lookat values

I’m not sure I understand this… Care to elaborate?



So you just want to rotate the camera around a target node, if I understand you correctly. Shouldn’t be more difficult than this:

// Class member variable
float cameraYaw = 0.0f;

// Run each frame update
void UpdateCameraRotation(float deltatime, Node* targetNode) {
  cameraYaw += 60.0 * dt;  // Rotate camera N degrees each second
  Quaternion q = Quaternion(cameraYaw, Vector3::UP);   // Construct rotation
  Vector3 cameraOffset(0.0f, -3.0f, 5.0f);  // Camera offset relative to target node 
  Vector3 cameraPosition = targetNode->GetPosition() - (q * cameraOffset);  // New rotated camera position with whatever offset you want

  camera->SetPosition(cameraPosition);  // Set new camera position and lookat values

I’m not sure I understand this… Care to elaborate?[/quote]

I mean this. Being able to zoom out different points of a target for example head, body. If the body, the whole view of the body is shown



Oh that’s simple,
You set your camera ‘look at’ to where you want to look at and you move the camera closer to the obj to zoom in.
Or you can move/rotate the objs (further/closer from the camera) and keep the camera at a fixed location.


[quote=“gwald”]Oh that’s simple,
You set your camera ‘look at’ to where you want to look at and you move the camera closer to the obj to zoom in.
Or you can move/rotate the objs (further/closer from the camera) and keep the camera at a fixed location.[/quote]

Yea. It is. I just wonder if it’s complicated between the target is going change in dimensions.

I haven’t posted the video but the player selection works and also when I tell the client to start a scene from the console. It loads the selected player. I wanted to do the characters clothing but got stuck because i would like changeable attachments. I’m not sure if I have to save attachment points per character mesh.



So you just want to rotate the camera around a target node, if I understand you correctly. Shouldn’t be more difficult than this:

// Class member variable
float cameraYaw = 0.0f;

// Run each frame update
void UpdateCameraRotation(float deltatime, Node* targetNode) {
  cameraYaw += 60.0 * dt;  // Rotate camera N degrees each second
  Quaternion q = Quaternion(cameraYaw, Vector3::UP);   // Construct rotation
  Vector3 cameraOffset(0.0f, -3.0f, 5.0f);  // Camera offset relative to target node 
  Vector3 cameraPosition = targetNode->GetPosition() - (q * cameraOffset);  // New rotated camera position with whatever offset you want

  camera->SetPosition(cameraPosition);  // Set new camera position and lookat values

I just tried this code but kinda lost on it or should i be doing it different.

[code]void ExistenceClient::CameraOrientationRotateMove (float degrees, int movement)
/// get the button that was clicked
Renderer* renderer = GetSubsystem();
Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem();
UI* ui_ = GetSubsystem();

/// The camera will use default settings (1000 far clip distance, 45 degrees FOV, set aspect ratio automatically)
Node * cameraNode_ = scene_->GetChild("Camera",true);
Node * playermeshNode_ = scene_->GetChild("playermesh",true);

/// get position
Vector3 playermeshPosition=playermeshNode_->GetPosition();
Vector3 cameraPosition=cameraNode_->GetPosition();

/// Create a offset
Vector3  cameraOffset=cameraPosition-playermeshPosition;

Quaternion q = Quaternion(1,Vector3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f));   // Construct rotation

Vector3 cameranewPosition = playermeshPosition- (q * cameraOffset);

cameraNode_->SetPosition(cameranewPosition);  // Set new camera position and lookat values




This didn’t work. Hmmm.

[code]void ExistenceClient::CameraOrientationRotateMove (float degrees, int movement)
/// get the button that was clicked
Renderer* renderer = GetSubsystem();
Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem();
UI* ui_ = GetSubsystem();

/// The camera will use default settings (1000 far clip distance, 45 degrees FOV, set aspect ratio automatically)
Node * cameraNode_ = scene_->GetChild("Camera",true);
Node * playermeshNode_ = scene_->GetChild("playermesh",true);

/// get position
Vector3 playermeshPosition=playermeshNode_->GetPosition();

/// Create a offset
Quaternion q = Quaternion(1, Vector3::UP);   // Construct rotation
Vector3 cameraOffset(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f);  // Camera offset relative to target node
Vector3 cameraPosition =  playermeshPosition - (q * cameraOffset);  // New rotated camera position with whatever offset you want

cameraNode_->SetPosition(cameraPosition);  // Set new camera position and lookat values
cameraNode_->LookAt(Vector3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f) );




Looks almost right, but you need to look at the player node position, and define that angle somehow. It depends on what you want - do you want to rotate the camera around the player with the mouse, or do you spin the camera around the player at a given speed? If mouse - do you want to move the camera up-down and left right (yaw and pitch)? The code below will only adjust the yaw angle, if you want pitch too then we can add that.

void ExistenceClient::CameraOrientationRotateMove (float degrees, int movement)
    /// get the button that was clicked
    Renderer* renderer = GetSubsystem<Renderer>();
    Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem<Graphics>();
    UI* ui_ = GetSubsystem<UI>();

    /// The camera will use default settings (1000 far clip distance, 45 degrees FOV, set aspect ratio automatically)
    Node * cameraNode_ = scene_->GetChild("Camera",true);
    Node * playermeshNode_ = scene_->GetChild("playermesh",true);

    /// get position
    Vector3 playermeshPosition=playermeshNode_->GetPosition();

    /// Create a offset
    Quaternion q = Quaternion(degrees, Vector3::UP);   // Construct rotation
    Vector3 cameraOffset(0.0f, -3.0f, 5.0f);  // Camera offset relative to target node
    Vector3 cameraPosition =  playermeshPosition - (q * cameraOffset);  // New rotated camera position with whatever offset you want

    cameraNode_->SetPosition(cameraPosition);  // Set new camera position and lookat values


Looks almost right, but you need to look at the player node position, and define that angle somehow. It depends on what you want - do you want to rotate the camera around the player with the mouse, or do you spin the camera around the player at a given speed? If mouse - do you want to move the camera up-down and left right (yaw and pitch)? The code below will only adjust the yaw angle, if you want pitch too then we can add that.


I used a different code that’s similiar and it seems to work rotating around the origin simulating a yaw rotation. The problem I have now is setting it to roll on the pitch rotation around a origin. You can see it working 15 or 20 seconds into the video. I just want to add pitch and zoom right now. I am thinking of making a way to change the look at point based on the model being looked at.


[video] Urho3D - Client Raw Video - Video Log 16 - Play with character creation ideas! - YouTube

[code]/// Rotate a camera around a center point
void ExistenceClient::CameraOrientationRotateMove (float degrees, int movement)
/// get the button that was clicked
Renderer* renderer = GetSubsystem();
Graphics* graphics = GetSubsystem();
UI* ui_ = GetSubsystem();

/// The camera will use default settings (1000 far clip distance, 45 degrees FOV, set aspect ratio automatically)
Node * cameraNode_ = scene_->GetChild("Camera",true);
Node * playermeshNode_ = scene_->GetChild("playermesh",true);

/// Get position
Vector3 playermeshPosition=playermeshNode_->GetWorldPosition();
Vector3 Offset= playermeshPosition-cameraNode_->GetWorldPosition();

/// Check to change camera yaw based on origin of the main object
     /// Create a offset
    Quaternion q = Quaternion(0.0f,1.0f*degrees,0.0);   // Construct rotation

    /// Test a offset of x equal 1
    Vector3 cameraOffset(5.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);  // Camera offset relative to target node
    Vector3 cameraPosition =  playermeshPosition - (q * Offset);  // New rotated camera position with whatever offset you want

    /// Set the camera position
    cameraNode_->SetPosition(cameraPosition);  // Set new camera position and lookat values

/// Look at orgin
cameraNode_->LookAt(Vector3(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f) );

return 1;



Ran across this issue today, and TBH I think the proper solution is to use Node::RotateAround. For example, I have the following node structure:

[ ] CameraTarget
][*] CameraNode

This is done so that my camera always tracks in relation to an explicit target. This is useful for quickly shuffling around various points-of-interest. Here is an example function that rotates around the target whenever the right mouse button is held down:

It appears that I copied the wrong code. I will update this on Monday due to holiday weekend.

Of course, you can always specify the transform space and coordinates differently depending on what you want to accomplish.