I am wanting to use a texture to pass some data to my vertex shader. As a proof of concept, I am constructing a simple 64x64 GL_R32F texture where all pixels have the exact as value as follows:
Urho3D::PODVector<float> heightData( 64u * 64u, 50.f );
Urho3D::Texture *texture = new Urho3D::Texture( context_ );
texture->SetFilterMode( Urho3D::FILTER_NEAREST );
texture->SetAddressMode( Urho3D::COORD_U, Urho3D::ADDRESS_CLAMP );
texture->SetAddressMode( Urho3D::COORD_V, Urho3D::ADDRESS_CLAMP );
texture->SetSize( 64u, 64u, Urho3D::Graphics::GetFloat32Format() );
texture->SetData( 0u, 0u, 0u, 64u, 64u, heightData.Buffer() );
I then bind this texture to my material:
material->SetTexture( Urho3D::TU_SPECULAR, texture );
Inside my Vertex Shader:
// all the normal includes
varying vec2 vTexCoord;
varying vec4 vWorldPos;
varying float vHeight; // added here to see value in renderdoc
uniform sampler2D sSpecMap;
void VS()
// Simply pull the r-channel value from the 0,0 index in the float array
float height = texelFetch( sSpecMap, ivec2( 0, 0 ), 0 ).r;
vHeight = height;
mat4 modelMatrix = iModelMatrix;
vec3 worldPos = GetWorldPos( modelMatrix );
worldPos.y = height;
gl_Position = GetClipPos( worldPos );
vTexCoord = GetTexCoord( iTexCoord );
vWorldPos = vec4( worldPos, GetDepth( gl_Position ) );
When I double check the output from the VS inside RenderDoc, I find that
always returns 0. I’ve even checked the actual full vec4 returned from
and its always
Now if I define
uniform sampler2D sDiffMap
inside the
macro and then swap using the
uniform rather than the
uniform then i get non-zero values, but these are the expected [0…1] range values for my base diffuse layer texture.
I’ve checked the float array texture in RenderDoc, its a 64x64 texture, R32_FLOAT format, where all pixels return a value of 50 when I query the texture.
So at this point I’m not sure what exactly I’ve done incorrectly. On all accounts it would appear that I have created my float-array texture correctly, its bound to the vertex shader adequately, but for whatever reason texelFetch refuses to return the expected value.
Any thoughts on what I’ve likely done incorrectly?