Archive 19/01/2023.

Quick Tip: Linux Ubuntu screen display goes black in fullscreen [Solved]


This is just a quick tip for something that held me up for a day when I switched from Windows to Ubuntu.

Problem : Fullscreen applications in linux Ubuntu 19.04 only show a black screen.

Description : I had very few issues building Urho in linux once I had the requisite packages installed and all of the samples worked well until I tried to run the and which are both fullscreen apps. The display went completely black although you could hear the Ninja demo clearly running in the background. Alt Tabbing to a window created a display and exiting the application showed the last rendered frame before the application terminated.

Solution : The problem was resolved when I did a ‘sudo apt-get install libgles2-mesa-dev libxt-dev libxaw7-dev’ ‘sudo apt-get install nvidia-cg-toolkit libsdl2-dev doxygen’ (steps found on an Ogre3D build guide website), ran and ran make again. I suspect it was the libsdl2-dev that actually corrected the issue.

I don’t know if this will help anyone out, if you have this issue though perhaps it will.
