Archive 19/01/2023.

Qt+Urho3D failed on Ubuntu


Hi, all

I have created an editor for with Qt + Urho3D. When I run it on Windows, it work well. but when I run it on Ubuntu (with Virtual Box), it failed and report:

[Tue Jun 17 22:36:45 2014] INFO: Opened log file Urho3DEditor.log deterministic_cache: unknown level/typenumber combo (2/1), cannot deterministic_cache: recognize cache type [Tue Jun 17 22:36:45 2014] INFO: Created 1 worker thread [Tue Jun 17 22:36:45 2014] INFO: Added resource path /home/aster/Documents/Urho3D/Bin/CoreData/ [Tue Jun 17 22:36:45 2014] INFO: Added resource path /home/aster/Documents/Urho3D/Bin/Data/ libGL error: failed to authenticate magic 3 libGL error: failed to load driver: vboxvideo [Tue Jun 17 22:36:45 2014] ERROR: Could not create OpenGL context

How to fix it?


Looks like a problem with virtualbox graphics adapter. Try to modify virtualbox settings and install the guest additions.


File Source\Engine\Graphics\OpenGL\OGLGraphics.cpp
line 464:
if (!GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_object || !GLEW_EXT_packed_depth_stencil)
if (!GLEW_EXT_framebuffer_object /*|| !GLEW_EXT_packed_depth_stencil*/)

works ok.