Archive 19/01/2023.

Qt + Urho3D and threads



I created an application which integrates Urho3D in a QML window via external window.
The problem I ran into is about threads. Indeed, in my code, I have :

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

    //declaration of instances, ...

    mUrho3DContext = new Urho3D::Context();
    mUrho3DApplication = new Urho3DApplication(mUrho3DContext);

    //qml interface is loaded


    return app.exec();

The problem is that when Urho3D starts, it keeps the hand and consequently “return app.exec()” is never executed, which is a real problem for my Qt application which requires that instruction to run correctly.

So is it possible to run all Urho3D in a complete separated thread so that my main thread is handled by Qt, so no Urho3D in the main thread? For what I read, Urho3D needs the main thread so … not sure about the feasability of what I need.



I don’t think having multiple threads is really good idea. You need Qt and Urho3D both running main loop, and as I understand, common workaround is to call RunFrame() by hand via timer. Check out and how it is done in ParticleEditor2D:


You shall probably avoid using Appliaction if you don’t want Urho to be the ruler of application life.

Think twice before bringing multithread hell into your application.


Check Urho code for starting Emscripten or Ios. There’s a different launch procedure, because of same problem; i don’t remember the details, but emsc use web workers and cannot return directly, or so; and ios never return, because there’s no such thing as a “exit app” on ios…


I see multiple inheritance is another part of the key in the case of the ParticleEditor:


Thanks for your answer. I was able to do it like in the Particle example.

  • a class which inherits from Urho3D::Object (the Urho3D class with the scene, all 3D objects, …) instead od Urho3D::Application, and with in particular a function to update the scene with engine_->RunFrame(),
  • a class which inherits from QApplication with a slot which is executed all n milliseconds, this slot executes the update function of the Urho3D class.

And the

return app.exec();

of Qt is well executed.


Hey @SteveU3D , I’d be very interested to see a minimal example of how to integrate Urho into a QML application. If you’ve made any progress, posting some example code to GitHub would be greatly appreciated!


EDIT: I’ll be trying this this week, so if I’m able to make a working example I’ll post here.



Sorry for that late answer.
Here is a simple code integrating Urho3D in a QML application. I used it like that (with my own scene, objects, … not put in the code) but it needs to be improved, so don’t hesitate to do it :slight_smile: .

In particular, one thing I didn’t succeed to do and I really need in my final application is to delete the Urho3DApplication class and create it again at runtime with Urho3DManager class (I deleted from the code on github the tests I did in Urho3DApplication destructor).

I wrote some explanations in README file but if you have questions, ask :slight_smile: .

Repository :
