Archive 19/01/2023.

Profile each render command


I want to profile my render in my code (without external profiles). Ideally, i want to know how many time takes rendering of each object or each render command. I found Profile class but looks like it is useful to profile separate functions and CPU code.
But i can insert command event after each render command:

<command type="sendevent" name="profile" tag="profile" />

I will catch it and save time between commands. But GPU works async and this time will not be the render time of the command. I can insert GPU sync (like glFinish) to get correct time value. Is there better way or maybe Urho3D already has good rendering profile?


GPU profiling isn’t easy. It’s better to use 3rdparty tools or play with enabling and disabling features.

On the other hand, Unity and UE4 somehow do it…
Maybe it’s possible to do the same thing here.