I’m having a problem in using the networking functionality in Urho3D.
I have two classes: ‘App’ and ‘Server’ in my program. App extends the Urho3D::Application class and hosts an instance of Server. My problem is, that my server keeps receiving messages even without me sending any of them. I’m calling Urho3D::Connection::SendMessage only once.
My code:
// SandboxApplication.cpp
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SandboxServer.h"
class SandboxApp : public Urho3D::Application
SandboxApp(Urho3D::Context *context)
: Application(context), _net(0), _connection(0)
void Setup()
// Irrelevant
void Start()
_net = GetSubsystem<Urho3D::Network>();
_server = new SandboxServer(context_);
SubscribeToEvent(Urho3D::E_KEYUP, URHO3D_HANDLER(SandboxApp, HandleKeyUp));
SubscribeToEvent(Urho3D::E_NETWORKMESSAGE, URHO3D_HANDLER(SandboxApp, HandleNetworkMessage));
SubscribeToEvent(Urho3D::E_SERVERCONNECTED, URHO3D_HANDLER(SandboxApp, HandleServerConnected));
SubscribeToEvent(Urho3D::E_SERVERDISCONNECTED, URHO3D_HANDLER(SandboxApp, HandleServerDisconnected));
SubscribeToEvent(Urho3D::E_CONNECTFAILED, URHO3D_HANDLER(SandboxApp, HandleConnectFailed));
void Stop()
if (_connection)
void HandleKeyUp(Urho3D::StringHash eventType, Urho3D::VariantMap &eventData)
if (eventData[Urho3D::KeyUp::P_KEY] == Urho3D::KEY_ESC)
else if (eventData[Urho3D::KeyUp::P_KEY] == Urho3D::KEY_RETURN && _connection)
Urho3D::VectorBuffer data;
Urho3D::String msg = "Message from client";
URHO3D_LOGDEBUGF("Client sent a message to server: '%s'", msg.CString());
_connection->SendMessage(1024, true, true, data);
else if (eventData[Urho3D::KeyUp::P_KEY] == Urho3D::KEY_SPACE && !_connection)
if (!_net->Connect("localhost", 26000, 0))
URHO3D_LOGDEBUGF("Network::Connect failed");
void HandleNetworkMessage(Urho3D::StringHash eventType, Urho3D::VariantMap &eventData)
if (eventData[Urho3D::NetworkMessage::P_MESSAGEID] == 1024)
const Urho3D::PODVector<uint8_t> &data = eventData[Urho3D::NetworkMessage::P_DATA].GetBuffer();
Urho3D::MemoryBuffer msgFromServer(data);
Types::String text = msgFromServer.ReadString();
URHO3D_LOGDEBUGF("Client received a message from server: '%s'", text.CString());
void HandleServerConnected(Urho3D::StringHash eventType, Urho3D::VariantMap &eventData)
_connection = _net->GetServerConnection();
void HandleConnectFailed(Urho3D::StringHash eventType, Urho3D::VariantMap &eventData)
_connection = 0;
Urho3D::Network *_net;
Urho3D::SharedPtr<SandboxServer> _server;
Urho3D::Connection *_connection;
// SandboxServer.h
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
class SandboxServer : public Urho3D::Object
URHO3D_OBJECT(SandboxServer, Object)
SandboxServer(Urho3D::Context *context)
: Object(context)
void Start()
_net = GetSubsystem<Urho3D::Network>();
if (!_net->StartServer(26000))
URHO3D_LOGDEBUG("Network::StartServer failed");
SubscribeToEvent(Urho3D::E_NETWORKMESSAGE, URHO3D_HANDLER(SandboxServer, HandleNetworkMessage));
SubscribeToEvent(Urho3D::E_CLIENTCONNECTED, URHO3D_HANDLER(SandboxServer, HandleClientConnected));
SubscribeToEvent(Urho3D::E_CLIENTDISCONNECTED, URHO3D_HANDLER(SandboxServer, HandleClientDisconnected));
void Stop()
void HandleNetworkMessage(Urho3D::StringHash eventType, Urho3D::VariantMap &eventData)
if (eventData[Urho3D::NetworkMessage::P_MESSAGEID] == 1024 && _net->IsServerRunning())
const Urho3D::PODVector<uint8_t> &data = eventData[Urho3D::NetworkMessage::P_DATA].GetBuffer();
Urho3D::MemoryBuffer msgFromClient(data);
Types::String text = msgFromClient.ReadString();
URHO3D_LOGDEBUGF("Server received a message from client: '%s'", text.CString());
Urho3D::VectorBuffer buf;
Urho3D::String msg = "Broadcasted message from server";
URHO3D_LOGDEBUGF("Server broadcasted a message to the clients: '%s'", msg.CString());
_net->BroadcastMessage(1024, true, true, buf);
void HandleClientConnected(Urho3D::StringHash eventType, Urho3D::VariantMap &eventData)
void HandleClientDisconnected(Urho3D::StringHash eventType, Urho3D::VariantMap &eventData)
Urho3D::Network *_net;
My output log:
(Init stuff)
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:48 2016] INFO: Started server on port 26000
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:48 2016] DEBUG: Reloading shaders
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: App::KeyUp(SPACE)
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] INFO: Connecting to server
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] INFO: Client connected
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Server::ClientConnected
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] INFO: Connected to server
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: App::Connected
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: App::KeyUp(RETURN)
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Client sent a message to server: 'Message from client'
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Server::Networkmessage
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Server received a message from client: 'Message from client'
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Server broadcasted a message to the clients: 'Broadcasted message from server'
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: App::Networkmessage
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Client received a message from server: 'Message from client'
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Server::Networkmessage
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Server received a message from client: 'Broadcasted message from server'
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Server broadcasted a message to the clients: 'Broadcasted message from server'
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: App::Networkmessage
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Client received a message from server: 'Broadcasted message from server'
[Sat Jun 18 22:10:49 2016] DEBUG: Server::Networkmessage
(This just keeps on going)
Is it even possible to have a client and server in the same application or am I just doing something wrong?