Archive 19/01/2023.

Partial game pause except for UI and a few nodes


Hi, all!

How can I do complete pause for everything in game (including physics, components, etc.) but still have UI
and some selected things running (i.e. camera)?

I need this for game pause during menus, for “photo” mode and for some silly effects.
I know about Best way to pause the game? and I will use it if there is no other
way, but is there some way to pause subtree of nodes, but leave a few unpaused?



Selective subscriptions to E_UPDATE and E_SCENEUPDATE (Scene::SetUpdateEnabled (bool enable) as mentioned in your link)

Node/UIElement/Component ::SetEnabled(bool)

Node::GetChildren(PODVector<Node*>& dest, bool recursive) const // for working with subtrees (and there’s similar for UIElement)