Archive 19/01/2023.

Part of cyclinder surface modle can not see


hi all,

i create a nurbs cylinder model without up and down surface in blender.
in blender i can render a texture on the surface show in the following image:

then i export this modle as cylinder_surface.mdl, and use Urho3D Editor to open it,
and render texture on it, but part of modle can not see(marked with red box):

what can cause this problem? could anyone help me figure out this problem?

best regards!


You need to disable culling in the material. If I remember correctly, blender by default does not cull back faces. That’s less efficient with a typical (closed) models so Urho by default will cull back faces, as that is generally what is desirable for a game model (with exceptions like your model).


thanks for your reply,
yes, if i enable culling in blender, back faces will cull.
i call material->SetClullMode(CULL_NONE), then fix this problem.

best regards!