Since Oculus changed it’s runtime several times through past year I would like to update my previous implementation
to work with the newest runtime by using OpenVR( which works with Steam Vive out of box too).
I found cool minimal sample how to use openVR, here is the source code for OpenGL (only 400 lines which is optimistic) … 2Fmain.cpp
In the newest oculus runtime as also openVR we don’t need to care about distortion and rendering, all we need to to is to send two framebuffers to the sdk and that’s it.
If you look in the sample there are two framebuffers which are bind for each eye -> rendered -> and submitted. That’s quite straightforward.
I would like to make implementation in urho style with maximum use of urho’s features, as high level as possible. So the question is: how to do that properly?
Could I use renderpath to render the scene first time for the one eye then subscribe for finished render command to submit to the openvr sdk, clear the framebuffer and then render the same scene same for the second eye? Is this possible? how the renderpath should look like when rendering twice?(doubling all render commands?)